Japanned Steve McCarty · @SteveMcCarty
153 followers · 42 posts · Server hcommons.social

The meeting of Eastern and Western civilizations over the past half century has shown both sides that there can be contrasting ways of thinking and functioning in the world that are also viable.

There have been sporadic East-West encounters for ages, such as through the Silk Road, but only in our time have the had to come to grips with each other's . There has been mutual influence, even while fundamental aspects of the contrasting have not yet been bridged.

"East-West Cultural Differences in Basic Life Stance" was a deep dive that is recently surging in interest again, at academia.edu/44784139

@religidons @religion @histodons @philosophy @japodons

#Civilizations #culture #cultures #Interculturalcommunication #asia #japan #asianists #philosophy #religion #buddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

· @ely
112 followers · 305 posts · Server mastodon.green
Japanned Steve McCarty · @SteveMcCarty
115 followers · 26 posts · Server hcommons.social

In the latest Asian Journal of Distance Education issue, Sezgin (2022) uses styles from and finds that field-independent (and female) learners succeed better in : asianjde.com

Such learning styles are rejected by some researchers (Stephen Downes' response): downes.ca/post/74633

Cognitive style is difficult to define. In my classes, it is an aspect of .

I think learning styles exist, yet C.G. Jung’s theory of compensation would argue that challenging students' weaker cognitive functions could help them. I show differing learning styles in “ Learning Styles in Cross-cultural ”: researchgate.net/publication/3

My view of cultural learning styles is confirmed concisely in a Université du Quebec and online class module: teluq.uquebec.ca/lin4015/modul

@OnlineEducation @Bilingualism @linguistics

#perceptual #cognitive #psychology #distancelearning #individual #Interculturalcommunication #CommunicationStyle #diverse #cultural #japanese #onlineeducation #SecondLanguageLearning #bilingualism

Last updated 2 years ago

I went to the Middle Eastern store for some pita and the woman behind the counter said, "assalamu alaikum."

As an , all I could think to reply was "and also with you."

#nashville #Interculturalcommunication #islam #clueless #episcopalian #episcopal #episcolutheran

Last updated 2 years ago

Japanned Steve McCarty · @SteveMcCarty
36 followers · 10 posts · Server hcommons.social

to my classes, lectures for the government, and surprisingly successful Japanese family:

I teach and classes (ask about them if you like) in . When I was headhunted as a full professor on the island of in 2004, I was surprisingly also recommended to lecture for the Japan International Cooperation Agency, introducing Japanese People and Society to visiting official delegations from developing countries.

Our house is near , and our sons in their early 30s work full-time in . My wife works for one of Japan's top department stores. One son is a sound director in the entertainment industry, & has blessed us with a 3/4 Japanese granddaughter. Our other son is in management already for one of Japan's most innovative global companies, in transformation. He just got back from Seattle, NYC, & , my home town!

Academic works: japanned.hcommons.org

#introduction #university #japanese #Interculturalcommunication #bilingualism #Osaka #pilgrimage #Shikoku #kyoto #tokyo #digital #boston

Last updated 2 years ago

Fergal Lenehan · @FergalLenehan
282 followers · 106 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The ReDICo research co-operative @redico would like to announce our Call-for-Abstracts for the 2023 ReDICo E-Conference "Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond" (26.6. – 7.7.2023). More info here: redico.eu/de/call-for-abstract
Please spread widely.
Maybe we'll see you in the summer?

#InculturalStudies #Interculturalcommunication #internetstudies #cosmopolitanism #digital #postdigital #intercultural #Postmigrant #OnlineConference

Last updated 2 years ago

Fergal Lenehan · @FergalLenehan
282 followers · 106 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Everyone appears to be doing introductions, so here goes: I'm an Irish researcher, based in Jena in Germany. Have written books on the European idea, the German image of Ireland & co-edited "Reclaiming the European Street" by Michael D. Higgins. My background is in and . Am now working on ideas concerning & online .

#history #intellectualhistory #culturalhistory #Interculturalcommunication #digital #interculturality #cosmopolitanism

Last updated 2 years ago