So, belated post for #InternationalAsexualityDay . Two years ago I added the purple and grey stripes to my avatar's tail.
I think 'gay grey-ace' is probably the best fit, but it's a challenge. I enjoy kinky activities but otherwise I suppose my sexuality is vague at best.
There's been really only a handful of people I've felt attracted to or crushed on in 'that way'. t
Masto tells me it's #InternationalAsexualityDay! I'm learning that so many critters I know are on the ace spectrum. It's pretty neat!
Keep being late to this x.x
It's no longer #InternationalAsexualityDay, but I thought people would still like to know that in the (not yet live) revamped Ace Zine Archive database we've documented zines from 25 countries across 6 continents, in 11 languages, that all discuss #asexuality in some way
#InternationalAsexualityDay #asexuality
I've seen others celebrating #InternationalAsexualityDay by talking about their own experiences, so I though I'd join in!
I've never been in or looked for a romantic relationship. I have fantasies and kinks although no experience playing with other people, so I guess I'm somewhere on the grey asexual side of things.
It took me a long time to figure out my own enby identity, so my sexual identity was always secondary. I'd love to start exploring but need to take it super slow!
Been pondering whether/what to post for #InternationalAsexualityDay today because mostly being ace-aro isn't a big deal for me, it just means I live with fewer potential disease vectors or arguments about the dishes.
But tonight I decided to roast a lamb leg for dinner and I don't know if you've noticed but lamb legs are *really big*, like couldn't they kill a few lambs when they're a bit younger for us singletons? So hit me up with your leftover-lamb recipes while I collapse into food coma.
I'm some sort of sex-positive panromantic grey-ace I think. Basically what it boils down to for me is...
Kink > Sex
Sex is still okay, but I have no interest in vanilla sex. Would rather be (and be with) a big animal person, or a rubber drone, or a combination of both.
I don't really find people sexually attractive. Even if I do think they are good looking, I never get turned on by looks alone.
...and I love my friends so very much.
Anyway, that's my experience. I try not to worry about it too much but it's #InternationalAsexualityDay so I thought I'd share.
Happy #InternationalAsexualityDay! I’m demi but super sex- and kink-positive! You do you! And sometimes me.
"not gay as in happy but ace as in gives no fucks"
#internationalaceday #InternationalAsexualityDay
Apparently it's #InternationalAsexualityDay, so going to share this pride piece of my demi self from a couple years back. :3
:asexual_flag: I wrote a brief introduction/essay on #asexuality (and #aromanticism, too):
:asexual_flag: :asexual_flag: :asexual_flag:
#asexuality #aromanticism #ace #InternationalAsexualityDay #iad
@itssugarmorning I love your adorably understated flag waving XD Happy Ace Day! #internationalasexualityday
I love your adorably understated flag waving XD Happy Ace Day! #internationalasexualityday
In our culture, the assumption that everyone will eventually feel sexually attracted to someone or that every adult lusts for sex is very common, but it is wrong. Millions of #asexuals and sex-repulsed and sex-averse people beg to differ.
:asexual_flag: #Asexuality completely subverts the way how we think about #sexuality. It challenges dominant dogmas. Good. Dogmas need to die. ✊
#asexuals #asexuality #sexuality #ace #InternationalAsexualityDay #iad
:asexual_flag: #Asexuality is a sexual orientation where you feel no sexual attraction, or almost none.
Asexual people are real, and there are millions, and I happen to be one of them. And I like it that way. 👍
:asexual_flag: #Ace pride! :asexual_flag:
#asexuality #ace #InternationalAsexualityDay #iad
Happy #InternationalAsexualityDay !
It wasn’t that many years ago that I didn’t even realize I was part of the LGBT+ but in the years since I have realized I was Ace, then later found a boyfriend and realized I was Demi. Never settle, and keep working on yourself 💖
:asexual_flag: #Asexual Pride flags in a #queer garden in #Minetest. (CatLandia server @ (930, 24, -6950))
From left to right: #grayasexual, #asexual and #demisexual.
#asexual #queer #minetest #grayasexual #demisexual #InternationalAsexualityDay #iad #ace