Our #GirlChangemaker, Afsana, asked interesting question to our 🇪🇺colleagues.
Join us to fight against gender stereotypes. Take up your own 'Never Have I Ever' challenge in the comments or tag us in your videos!
#InternationalDayOfGirlChild #GirlsRiseHigh #IDG2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_in_India/status/1580840405829943297
#GirlChangemaker #InternationalDayofGirlChild #GirlsRiseHigh #IDG2022
Afsana spent a delightful day, on the 10th anniversary of #InternationalDayOfGirlChild👧🏽, at the 🇪🇺 delegation sharing her powerful views on #GenderEquality, girl education & the need to cut through gender stereotypes with the 🇪🇺 colleagues.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_in_India/status/1580516611143761920
#InternationalDayofGirlChild #GenderEquality #GirlsRiseHigh #IDG2022
Afsana's ambition to help the women and girls of India has touched many hearts in the European Union Delegation.
Here is her message to everyone on #GenderEquality and supporting women and girls to achieve their dreams.
#GirlsRiseHigh #InternationalDayofGirlChild #IDG2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_in_India/status/1580175388579221509
#GenderEquality #GirlsRiseHigh #InternationalDayofGirlChild #IDG2022
Since 2011, 11 October has been celebrated as #InternationalDayofGirlChild Today, we highlight global challenges that girls face, like sex-selective abortion, violence, & discrimination. The 2022 theme is "Digital generation, our generation," for cyberbullying awareness raising.
Girls face unique challenges and we can all do something to support #EqualNow .
Here are Faridah's thoughts on the way forward. @OliviaOtieno
#InternationalDayOfGirlChild #DayOfTheGirl
#girlempowerment #EUinKenya
#EqualNow #InternationalDayofGirlChild #DayOfTheGirl #girlpower #girlempowerment #EUinKenya
Why is it important for us to celebrate the #InternationalDayOfTheGirlChild ?
Patricia Mumbua from @PlanKenya shares her views. @SpiceFMKE @OliviaOtieno
#DayOfTheGirl #InternationalDayOfGirlChild #InternationalGirlChildDay #EUinKenya
#InternationalDayOfTheGirlChild #DayOfTheGirl #InternationalDayofGirlChild #InternationalGirlChildDay #EUinKenya
#GirlsChangemaker Afsana 👧🏽 with Mr. Seppo Nurmi, Chargé d’Affaires, @EU_in_India during a lighthearted interaction as she takes takeover the eu social media handles on the occasion of #InternationalDayOfGirlChild
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_in_India/status/1579811261038366720
#GirlsChangemaker #InternationalDayofGirlChild #GirlsRiseHigh
On the 10th anniversary of #InternationalDayofGirlChild, our colleagues at the 🇪🇺 Delegation, Delphine and Lorenzo, talk about #GenderEquality, #EUGenderChampaion and how the EU and India are bridging the gender gap.
Watch till the end for some fun bloopers! 👀
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_in_India/status/1579804299432902656
#InternationalDayofGirlChild #GenderEquality #EUGenderChampaion #IDG2022
Meet Afsana, our #GenderChampion who is all set to take over @EU_in_India on the 10th anniversary of #InternationalDayofGirlChild.
Tomorrow, Afsana will share her views on gender equality, women and girl empowerment & more. Catch her as #GirlsRiseHigh
#GirlsRiseHigh @Plan_India
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_in_India/status/1579527766055059456
#GenderChampion #InternationalDayofGirlChild #GirlsRiseHigh
"Aborti selettivi, dispersione scolastica, violenze sessuali, gravidanze precoci, tratta di esseri umani, impatto dei cambiamenti climatici."
#InternationalDayOfGirlChild #HumanRights #11ottobre
#11ottobre #humanrights #InternationalDayofGirlChild #GiornataMondialeDelleBambineEDelleRagazze