RT @RESCUE_EU: Around the world, girls are working every day to break records, push boundaries and beat the odds
This #InternationalDayOfTheGirl, here are just some of their amazing achievements.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/harlemdesir/status/1579847362373378048
#InternationalDayoftheGirl #IDG2022
🗣️| On this the #InternationalDayOfTheGirl I had the pleasure to join colleagues & NGOs to speak at an event:
towards girls’ autonomy and self-determination worldwide!
Thanks to all those who attended 👏🏻
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/FitzgeraldFrncs/status/1579877710016696323
It's #InternationalDayOfTheGirl!
We want girls to live in a🌍that empowers them & promotes gender equality. They are leading social change, fostering peace, security & sustainable development, we must keep on supporting them. #InternationalGirlChildDay
#InternationalDayoftheGirl #InternationalGirlChildDay
Hyvää kansainvälistä tyttöjen päivää! 🎉🧏♀️
Tyttö, sinä olet hieno ja arvokas juuri sellaisena kuin olet. Tyttöjen väheksymisen sijaan meidän pitää voimaannuttaa tyttöjä ja investoida heihin.
Päivän ajatuksia: https://www.facebook.com/MEPsirpapietikainen/posts/pfbid02Nr5ryK3ecNKGNDud3h8DUdQAfYXYahHg4GeiqNur6dgSaXGp7jAmUnmUT8dNqqfRl
#internationaldayofthegirl #tyttöjenpäivä
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/spietikainen/status/1579768865118392320
#InternationalDayoftheGirl #tyttöjenpäivä
#11ottobre Giornata Internazionale delle bambine e delle ragazze #InternationalDayoftheGirl
Il nostro impegno per azzerare la disuguaglianza di genere che porta un minore accesso all'istruzione, ai diritti, all'assistenza medica, che può portare alla violenza e allo sfruttamento
#11ottobre #InternationalDayoftheGirl
[Garden of Hope 勵馨基金會推文] @gohfoundation@twitter.com:「 👧 Hip-hop dance group MIXCIN are performing at today's Girl Awards, average age 7 years old! 👧嘻哈街舞社Mixcin今天在女兒獎頒獎典禮將有精彩演出,平均年齡7歲! #girlday #InternationalDayoftheGirl #女孩日 https://to.twngo.xyz/3jMIIUE 」
#girlday #InternationalDayoftheGirl #女孩日