Happy #InternationalFactCheckingDay! 🔎 The #COVID19 pandemic triggered an 'infodemic', an excessive amount of information which made it difficult to identify solutions. How did governments and public health experts communicate during this time? 👉 https://europa.eu/!P9WvHV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPublications/status/1642512231702360066
#InternationalFactCheckingDay #COVID19
RT @ItalyUN_NY: Happy #InternationalFactCheckingDay!✅
Fact-checking help us fight misinformation, disinformation & hate speech. 2 easy steps:
1️⃣ Stop & think before sharing photos and videos on social media
2️⃣ Confirm you trust the source sharing the information
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1642547495392690177
DYK fake news spreads faster and further than real news? Joana Gonçalves de Sá @SpacLab is using #datascience and #behaviouralpsychology to understand why some people are more likely to share #disinformation.
@mjoanasa #InternationalFactCheckingDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ERC_Research/status/1642436762034401285
#datascience #behaviouralpsychology #disinformation #InternationalFactCheckingDay
En cette journée internationale du #factchecking la place de l’🇪🇺 détricote les #fakenews à la @foirelivrebxl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU4BE/status/1642471041795608577
#FactChecking #fakenews #InternationalFactCheckingDay
Zum #InternationalFactcheckingDay gibts unser Training "Faktencheck und Verifikation" mit @FvCastell für 249€ statt 549€. Angebot gilt ab jetzt 24h.
Trainingsdaten: 08./09.07., 1000-1830.
Infos & Buchung: https://heaff.de und/oder DM
As the 🇪🇺's largest investment policy, #CohesionPolicy is not immune to disinformation and myths.
So be careful, and get your facts straight!
On #InternationalFactCheckingDay, check the 10 most common myths about #CohesionPolicy ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinmyRegion/status/1510165138883715075
[2022-04-02 08:00 UTC]
#CohesionPolicy #InternationalFactCheckingDay #EUvsDisinfo #FactsMatter
Information is power 🏆
🔎✅ And in today's digitally connected society we must do our best to verify it, more than ever before.
Some tips on what to watch out for and remember to always make sure you #FactCheckIt 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DigitalEU/status/1510165140800303108
[2022-04-02 08:00 UTC]
#FactCheckIt #InternationalFactCheckingDay #FactCheckingDay
“Ik heb met eigen ogen gezien hoe sociale media kunnen worden ingezet om mensen te beïnvloeden en ik wilde iets doen aan misstanden.”
Filip heeft zich bij het Keyboard Warrior-project aangesloten om desinformatie en nepnieuws te bestrijden.
RT @europarl_en: “I witnessed first-hand how social media can be used to influence people and I wanted to do something about abuses.”
On International Fact-checki…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_NL/status/151027890136859443…
RT @correctiv_fakt@twitter.com
Wer Desinformation sät, will Chaos pflanzen. Darum braucht Demokratie Faktenchecks! Am heutigen #InternationalFactCheckingDay möchten wir euch dazu anhalten, kritisch zu bleiben und die Informationen, die ihr konsumiert, zu überprüfen. Hier ein paar Tipps: https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/wie-erkenne-ich-falschmeldungen/#section-b440777
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/correctiv_fakt/status/1510148026714800129
RT @NewYorker@twitter.com
Happy #InternationalFactCheckingDay.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NewYorker/status/1377986323382996992