Another on point @effinbirds daily calendar entry for #InternationalWomensDay. To all those whining about how there isn’t an #InternationalMensDay - there is. It’s on November 19 and it’s the same day as #WorldToiletDay. Calm the fuck down 😘
#WorldToiletDay #InternationalMensDay #internationalwomensday
RT @eige_eu: Stigma prevents men from seeking help or sharing their emotions when they are struggling. According to @Forbes, “around 40% of men would prefer to try and hide any issues from their boss out of fear that it might negatively impact their career”. #InternationalMensDay #EUAgencies
#InternationalMensDay #EUAgencies
RT @eige_eu: Stigma prevents men from seeking help or sharing their emotions when they are struggling. According to @Forbes, “around 40% of men would prefer to try and hide any issues from their boss out of fear that it might negatively impact their career”. #InternationalMensDay #EUAgencies
#InternationalMensDay #EUAgencies
Since it's #InternationalMensDay, here's a thread of every part of the gynaecological anatomy that is named after a man, with a bit of trivia about each man. Some of the bits are very specific. Before you ask, there are no parts of the gynaecological anatomy named after women...
bell hooks:
The first act of violence that #patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves. If an individual is not successful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on patriarchal #men to enact rituals of power that will assault his self-esteem.
– The Will To Change: Men, #Masculinity, and Love, 2004
#InternationalMensDay #masculinity #men #patriarchy
Reposting to raise awareness on #internationalmensday. Please help reduce the stigma that many men feel around their MH. I'm honest with my struggles with depression and opening up has been beneficial to starting the path to recovery and I would encourage others to do the same.
”لقد رسمت وسائل الإعلام المضللة التي تقلب الحقائق وتزيف الواقع صورة مزيفة؛ وهي أن إيران قوة لا تقهر. ولا يخفى على المتابع أن وراء ذلك يدا خفية يهودية ولكن من وراء ستار“
#RIPtwitter #caturday #Wettendass #saturday #Infantino #Strictly #internationalmensday #screenshotsaturday #FollowFriday #TwitterDown
#TwitterDown #FollowFriday #ScreenShotSaturday #InternationalMensDay #strictly #Infantino #saturday #wettendass #Caturday #riptwitter
Since it's #InternationalMensDay, here's a thread of every part of the gynaecological anatomy that is named after a man, with a bit of trivia about each man. Some of the bits are very specific. Before you ask, there are no parts of the gynaecological anatomy named after women...
Since it's #InternationalMensDay, here's a thread of every part of the gynaecological anatomy that is named after a man, with a bit of trivia about each man. Some of the bits are very specific. Before you ask, there are no parts of the gynaecological anatomy named after women...
”دونالد ترامب في خطاب جماهيري:
عندما أفوز بالانتخابات القادمة عام ❪٢٠٢٤❫ ستقوم أمريكا باحتلال العراق مرة أخرى وسنقوم بطرد السراق والفاسدين ومحاكمتهم“
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#TwitterDown #FollowFriday #ScreenShotSaturday #InternationalMensDay #strictly #Infantino #saturday #wettendass #Caturday #riptwitter
❪إيران مهاباد❫
من طبيعة الاحتلال إثارة بعض القضايا الجانبية كي يشغل بها العالم عن جرائمه، وهذا بلا شك ماتعلمته إيران ❪التلميذة الربيبة❫ من المعلم اليهودي فيما يتعلق بالبطش والتنكيل بالشعب الفلسطيني المسلم.
#RIPtwitter #caturday #Wettendass #saturday #Infantino #Strictly #internationalmensday #screenshotsaturday #FollowFriday #TwitterDown
#TwitterDown #FollowFriday #ScreenShotSaturday #InternationalMensDay #strictly #Infantino #saturday #wettendass #Caturday #riptwitter
Since it's #InternationalMensDay, here's a thread of every part of the gynaecological anatomy that is named after a man, with a bit of trivia about each man. Some of the bits are very specific. Before you ask, there are no parts of the gynaecological anatomy named after women...
الحصاد الأسبوعي لمنشورات "فالح الشبلي" على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، وفيه:
• قصور الرؤية العربية لاستراتيجيات الدفاع عن نفسها يجعلها مطمعًا للاحتلال.
• عناصر الباسيج يقتلون مواطنًا في شيراز بإيران.
ومواضيع واقتباسات أخرى منوعة.
#RIPtwitter #caturday #Wettendass #saturday #Infantino #Strictly #internationalmensday #screenshotsaturday #FollowFriday #TwitterDown
#TwitterDown #FollowFriday #ScreenShotSaturday #InternationalMensDay #strictly #Infantino #saturday #wettendass #Caturday #riptwitter
On #LBCNews yesterday we decided to take a few minutes to talk about some of the serious mental health issues affecting men on #InternationalMensDay, hear some stories and look at why it's so important to talk.
I also had an extended chat with Dan Somers from the 'MANUP?' campaign about what help is on offer, and you can hear the whole thing here:
#InternationalMensDay #LBCNews
Address our weaknesses, own our mistakes, acknowledge our shortcomings, commit to improve;
Listen to understand others views, be mindful of our interactions, regularly consider others' perspectives;
Advocate for others, lift people up;
Emotions are valid.
لقد نحَو أهل العراق منحى آخر في الدفاع عن الأرض والعرض وقتال المحتل أينما وجد، رغم أن المحتل سعى ووجد ما سعى إليه ولكنه لم يتمكن من اصطياد العدد الكافي من الخونة الذين يمكنونه من السيطرة على بلد كالعراق، فعاد أدراجه من حيث أتى، ولكنه مع الأسف ترك البذرة كما هي، إذ إنه سلط على البلد أراذل الناس، وأكتفي بهذا ولا أريد التوسع في وصف هؤلاء الخونة؛ فالمسألة أوسع بكثير مما أذكره في هذه الأسطر اليسيرة.
#RIPtwitter #caturday #Wettendass #saturday #Infantino #Strictly #internationalmensday
#InternationalMensDay #strictly #Infantino #saturday #wettendass #Caturday #riptwitter
الشيخ محمد المنجد:
لا تنس حق الأمة في ولدك!
#RIPtwitter #caturday #Wettendass #saturday #Infantino #Strictly #internationalmensday #screenshotsaturday #FollowFriday #TwitterDown
#TwitterDown #FollowFriday #ScreenShotSaturday #InternationalMensDay #strictly #Infantino #saturday #wettendass #Caturday #riptwitter
﴿إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلائِكَتَهُ يُصَلّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنوا صَلّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّموا تَسليمًا﴾
#RIPtwitter #caturday #Wettendass #saturday #Infantino #Strictly #internationalmensday #screenshotsaturday #FollowFriday #TwitterDown
#TwitterDown #FollowFriday #ScreenShotSaturday #InternationalMensDay #strictly #Infantino #saturday #wettendass #Caturday #riptwitter