Migration needs to be safe, legal & well-managed.
Safe, secure & legal pathways allow the 🇪🇺European Union to unlock the immense potential of human mobility.
Read the statement of the @EU_Commission & HRVP @JosepBorrellF on #InternationalMigrantsDay 👉 https://europa.eu/!PnwWGq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_near/status/1604880435174969349
Yesterday was #InternationalMigrantsDay
All over the🌍#migration plays a significant role in people's lives and has a profound impact on our societies
Discover how 🇪🇺 funded projects contribute to #research on migration for a more inclusive future 🫂 in the thread below👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/REA_research/status/1604755654408708096
#InternationalMigrantsDay #migration #research
RT @RESCUEorg@twitter.com
Congrats to #Argentina for winning the #FIFAWorldCup!
So many teams this year would not be possible without welcoming diversity. Example, over 84% of France's team are immigrants or children of immigrants.
This #InternationalMigrantsDay, we celebrate the power of welcome!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RESCUEorg/status/1604563264637132803
#argentina #fifaworldcup #InternationalMigrantsDay
RT @FMReview@twitter.com
This #InternationalMigrantsDay, we invite you to read our latest issue, ‘Knowledge, voice & power’, which explores issues of representation, influence, privilege, access, discrimination & more: http://www.fmreview.org/issue70
#ittakesacommunity #migrantsday #InternationalMigrantsDay
RT @ENStatelessness: All too often, statelessness is overlooked in asylum & migration debates. This #InternationalMigrantsDay, remember that statelessness is a very real issue affecting thousands of refugees & migrants in Europe. Watch Ahmed explain the situation in Spain 👉
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1604573540321214468
Always great to remember some of our latest works with Dr. Uzcanga: "Associations of Migrants in Spain: An Enquiry into Their Digital Inclusion in the “Network Society” in the 2010s". Please follow the link: https://rdcu.be/bQ4nA
#InternationalMigrantsDay #Spain #Associations #NetworkSociety
#networksociety #associations #spain #InternationalMigrantsDay
What are think tanks thinking on #migration in Europe? ⤵️
@JFLopezAguilar @abiralsahlani @LenaDuepontMdEP @engerer
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1604514073676337153
#migration #InternationalMigrantsDay
RT @ENStatelessness: Many #refugees and #migrants are #stateless. #Statelessness has a devastating impact on a person's ability to access their rights & experience the safety and belonging that every one deserves.
Watch Lynn's full story 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEaIzAq4R0E&t=171s
#InternationalMigrantsDay #IMD22
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1604513728875188228
#refugees #migrants #stateless #statelessness #InternationalMigrantsDay #IMD22
RT @caoilfhionnanna@twitter.com
Today is #InternationalMigrantsDay. I’m a migrant with privilege,unlike most migrants worldwide who are marginalised & vulnerable.
One thing many of us share is a feeling of loss,an inner ache for ‘Home Home.’ Bruno Catalano’s stunning sculptures Les Voyageurs capture it for me.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/caoilfhionnanna/status/1604528226788950020
Zum #InternationalMigrantsDay hat unsere Crew etwas beigetragen. Wir sind sehr froh darüber, dass diese Menschen alle positive Asylentscheide zu erwarten haben! Von Herzen alles Gute und in Zukunft offene Grenzen für alle! ❤️ #TagderMigration
Foto: Johannes Räbel
#tagdermigration #InternationalMigrantsDay
Zum #InternationalMigrantsDay hat unsere Crew etwas beigetragen. Wir sind sehr froh darüber, dass diese Menschen alle positive Asylentscheide zu erwarten haben! Von Herzen alles Gute und in Zukunft offene Grenzen für alle! ❤️ #TagderMigration
Foto: Johannes Räbel
#tagdermigration #InternationalMigrantsDay
RT @IreneNorstedt: Health systems should be beneficial to all, including migrants & displaced persons #InternationalMigrantsDay
Looking👀for funding opportunities to help face present & future #healthcare challenges? Good news! #HorizonEU WP for 2023-24 has been adopted!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1604510958168072193
#InternationalMigrantsDay #healthcare #HorizonEU
RT @HorizonEU: Migrants & minorities are an important part of the #EuropeanIdentity!
The #EUfunded project @REACH_2017 aims to promote the health of Roma women & tackle discrimination in access to #healthcare.
Read more here! 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1604510937213386752
#EuropeanIdentity #EUfunded #healthcare #InternationalMigrantsDay
Follow an ‘irregular migrant’ child's journey to and within the EU 🗺️
from the challenges they encounter, to their reception, treatment, relocation & return process
@MalikAzmani @katarinabarley @vladobilcik @MalinBjork_EU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1604431287468429313
Huge shoutout to @akbobak and @AlinaNychyk, two of our amazing volunteers who are spotlighted in the @BritSciAssoc blog on #InternationalMigrantsDay! We are grateful for your contribution and proud to have you as part of our team. Keep up the great work! #ScienceForUkraine
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/Sci_for_Ukraine/status/1604484703997894657
#InternationalMigrantsDay #ScienceForUkraine
Read these reflections and policy brief from @EU_ISS: ‘The future of African migration and mobility: Continent on the move, or contained?’
▶ https://europa.eu/!g3mHDG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPublications/status/1604459228072398850
How effective and efficient is the @EU_Commission’s 2022 legal migration package? How does it score on legal and practical coherence and fundamental rights compliance? Find out in this insightful study from @EP_Justice:
▶ https://europa.eu/!9mvPxC #InternationalMigrantsDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPublications/status/1604406629210140672
Today for #InternationalMigrantsDay we want to say thank you to @safepassageuk
They work alongside refugees to campaign for change and build public support for #SafeRoutesNow. The tragedy on the English Channel last week highlighted the importance of this mission.
#InternationalMigrantsDay #saferoutesnow
RT @EUinMoldova: #InternationalMigrantsDay finds 1 in 6 children in 🇲🇩 with at least one parent gone abroad. This is 2x as likely in rural areas, according to the 🇲🇩 National Bureau of Statistics.
Over the past 6 years, 🇪🇺 financed 60 projects via UN promoting decent work & economic growth in 🇲🇩
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_near/status/1604420267098480648
Helping the most vulnerable is the policy of many NGOs in #Montenegro 🇲🇪 but one of them is extending their helping hand thanks to #EU funding 🇪🇺 to migrants going through the country.
👉Read our story to mark #InternationalMigrantsDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WeBalkans/status/1604394032875991040
#Montenegro #EU #InternationalMigrantsDay