Happy #InternationalRomaDay #InternationalRomaniDay
The day has been observed since the 1971 first Roma World Congress, at which the Roma flag, anthem, even the word “Roma” were adopted.
It was a truly historic milestone in the history of the Romani nation
#InternationalRomaniDay #InternationalRomaDay
RT @melihkeserDU
Heute ist #InternationalRomaniDay, der auf die Situation von Sinti*zze und Rom*nja aufmerksam macht.Trotz Anerkennung als Minderheit in 🇩🇪 ist Gadje-Rassismus Realität.Der 8. April steht für Aufarbeitung, Erinnerung und Veränderung. Kämpfen wir für eine Welt ohne Diskriminierung!
Na #InternationalRomaniDay slavimo bogatu raznolikost, jezik, umjetnost i kulturu Roma, najveće etničke manjine u Europi.
U 🇪🇺 ❌ mjesta za diskriminaciju.
S ponosom surađujemo s @EUCouncil na projektu #EQUIROM za borbu protiv stereotipa o Romima u🎙.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1644607863292145667
#InternationalRomaniDay #EQUIROM #UnionOfEquality #EU4Roma
#RomaDay🇺🇳 Mr. Cristian Santos, #IHRF's staff member: “Today is International Roma Day, a moment to recognise the diverse and rich cultural heritage of the Roma community. It is also an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to combat bigotry and prejudice against them, and to promote a culture that values inclusiveness and respect for all individuals in society”. #InternationalRomaniDay #RomaniDay #Romani #8thApril #8April #8deAbril #DíaPuebloGitano #PuebloGitano #InternationalRomaDay
#romaday #IHRF #InternationalRomaniDay #romaniday #romani #8thapril #8april #8deabril #DiaPuebloGitano #pueblogitano #internationalromaday
Europe's largest ethnic minority, many #Roma people live in very poor socio-economic conditions
The social exclusion, discrimination & segregation they face are mutually reinforcing
#InternationalRomaniDay @JarokaLivia @Peter_Pollak @romeofranz1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1644587879807750145
Happy #InternationalRomaDay!
RT @UNDP_Kosovo: W/our partners, @EUKosovo & @MKRS_KS, to celebrate the #InternationalRomaniDay, we share with you a story of a father and his daughter from Janjevë/o, #RomaniCulture, and their thriving #tambourine business 🎶 Story: https://undpkosovo.exposure.co/in-our-family-we-say-like-father-like-daughter
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUKosovo/status/1644324779741118464
#InternationalRomaDay #InternationalRomaniDay #RomaniCulture #tambourine
#RomaDay🇺🇳 On this International Roma Day, we recognise and honour the diverse and valuable culture and achievements of the Roma Community. We also pledge to work together to eradicate prejudice and ensure inclusiveness for all members of our society. #InternationalRomaniDay #RomaniDay #Romani #8thApril #8April #8deAbril #DíaPuebloGitano #PuebloGitano #InternationalRomaDay
#romaday #InternationalRomaniDay #romaniday #romani #8thapril #8april #8deabril #DiaPuebloGitano #pueblogitano #internationalromaday
Start des European Roma Rights Network von ERRC zum #InternationalRomaniDay mit 18 Menschenrechtsorganisationen aus 15 Ländern
u.a. Rom e.V. (http://romev.de)
en http://errc.org/press-releases/european-roma-rights-network-launched
de http://errc.org/uploads/upload_en/file/5367_file6_german-netzwerk-roma-rechte-gegrundet.pdf
#InternationalRomaniDay is a day to celebrate culture, history & language.
Unfortunately, many Romani men & women continue to face discrimination & racism. Unacceptable.
Today, we reaffirm that Roma people must enjoy the same rights & treatments as any European citizens.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_President/status/1512356556091932675
.@EP_President: Σήμερα #InternationalRomaniDay, γιορτάζουμε πολιτισμό /ιστορία/γλώσσα των Ρομά
Δυστυχώς,πολλοί Ρομά,άνδρες& γυναίκες,συνεχίζουν να αντιμετωπίζουν ρατσιστικές διακρίσεις.Απαράδεκτο.
Επαναδιακηρύσσουμε ότι οι Ρομά έχουν τα ίδια δικαιώματα με τους λοιπούς🇪🇺πολίτες.
RT @EP_President: #InternationalRomaniDay is a day to celebrate culture, history & language.
Unfortunately, many Romani men & women continue to face disc…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_EL/status/1512362374858252293
RT @EP_President: #InternationalRomaniDay is a day to celebrate culture, history & language.
Unfortunately, many Romani men & women continue to face discrimination & racism. Unacceptable.
Today, we reaffirm that Roma people must enjoy the same rights & treatments as any European citizens.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EuroParlPress/status/1512391815412039686
#LliureDirecte Dia Internacional del Poble Romaní. Demetrio Gómez, Consell Valencià del Poble Gitano 08/04/21 https://enredant-radioklara.blogspot.com/2021/04/dia-internacional-del-poble-romani.html #DiaInternacionalPuebloGitano #InternationalRomaniDay
#lliuredirecte #DiaInternacionalPuebloGitano #InternationalRomaniDay