Please share and spread everywhere in support of evacuating Sudanese comrades!
#anarchism #solidarity #international #Internationalism #internationalisme #MutualAid #popularpower @HeavenlyPossum @RD4Anarchy @Air_Quotes_Comedian
#anarchism #solidarity #international #Internationalism #internationalisme #MutualAid #popularpower
@AnarchistFederation an interesting article and example of what antifascists have been warning for already for a decade: #neonazis are internationally networking, training to use fire-arms and are absorbing combat training they intent to use back home or learn to it to others in other countries. They form a local threat and should be surpressed.
Btw, a strange choice of quote from 'antifasist-europe' by Marina Akhmedova, from the 'Presidential Human Rights Council', parotting Russian state propaganda "I do not accept Nazism under the Ukrainian or Russian flag. Fortunately, in our country [Russia] it is not accepted at the state level, unlike in Ukraine." suggesting Russia is fighting nazism, which is blatantly untrue. As the article shows, fascists have been actively and openly organizing free corps units. The socalled "denazification" of Ukraine is nothing but a blatant lie and propagandic attempt by Russia to gain support for its imperialistic war. We as antifascists should refrain from repeating such lies (unintentionally) supporting Russian war efforts and obsucring authentic antifascist struggles.
#antifascism #internationalism #Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #WhiteSupremcy
#neonazis #antifascism #Internationalism #russia #ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #WhiteSupremcy
Our comrades from @labournet_de have released an interview with Marwan Osman on the current situation in #Sudan. The video is called "What is going on in Sudan?", is in English with german subs and takes 32 minutes.
Check it out, spread it:
#sudan #sudanuprising #sudanwar #Internationalism
Med det ukrainska folkets motstånd för dess seger mot aggressionen
Liksom under det vietnamesiska folkets frihetskamps dagar har vi alltid varit på de förtryckta och angripna folkens sida, oavsett om angriparna varit USA (och dess allierade i NATO) eller Sovjetunionen (och dess allierade inom Warszawa-pakten).
#Ryssland #Ukraina #Vnstern #Antiimperialism #Internationalism #Solidaritet
#solidaritet #Internationalism #antiimperialism #vnstern #ukraina #ryssland
#introduction post
I'm daniel and I'm the politics curator working at the Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK.
I do engagement work with archives. I'm also a librarian & working towards archivist registration with the ARA.
I like psychoanalysis, italian, archives & words.
#archives #libraries #curator #GLAM #history #politics #internationalism #Ambedkar #activism #socialism #peace #OralHistories #Lansbury #italiano #psychoanalysis #ara #LSE
#introduction #archives #libraries #curator #glam #history #politics #Internationalism #ambedkar #activism #socialism #peace #oralhistories #Lansbury #italiano #psychoanalysis #ara #lse
I wish more of my fellow US-Americans shared the awareness of this gringo-mex, on of the 1.6 million United Staters living in #Mexico.
#Intercultural #USMX #USMexico #US #Mexico both part of #America #crossmigration #sociology #broadminded #nomads #digitalNomads #internationalism #multiculti #humility
#mexico #intercultural #usmx #usmexico #us #America #crossmigration #sociology #broadminded #nomads #digitalnomads #Internationalism #multiculti #humility
Interview With Guillaume, Swiss Internationalist Charged for Going to Rojava
My name is Dmitriy Petrov, and if you are reading these lines, it means that I most likely died fighting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
"I am a member of the Militant Organisation of Anarcho-Communists (BOAC), and will remain so after my
#anti-imperialism #BOAC #DmitriyPetrov #internationalism #Russianfighters #Ukrainewar
#anti #boac #dmitriypetrov #Internationalism #russianfighters #UkraineWar
A History of Internationalism: The Kurish Struggle and the Palestinian Movement
#Palestine #Kuristan #Kurdish Movement #Palestinians #Internationalism
#palestine #kuristan #kurdish #palestinians #Internationalism
The Main Enemy Is in Our Own Country: in Support of Comrade Prosecuted in Switzerland for Fighting in Rojava
#Rojava #Internationalism
Did you know that nothing has ever changed by asking the ruling class about it.
#classwar #climatechange #internationalism #wolrdwidesolitarity
#wolrdwidesolitarity #Internationalism #climatechange #classwar
Did you know that nothing has ever changed by asking the ruling class about it.
#classwar #climatechange #internationalism #wolrdwidesolitarity
#wolrdwidesolitarity #Internationalism #climatechange #classwar
Conferences generate and rely on material culture and infrastructures.
We've been building a gallery of conference objects on our website, here:
The gallery is a work in progress. Do get in touch if you have any images of objects to contribute - we'd love to expand the gallery and will keep adding to it.
#histodons #history #internationalism #scihistodons #histsci #STS #HERA #conferences #materialculture
#histodons #history #Internationalism #scihistodons #histsci #sts #hera #conferences #MaterialCulture
🌹 Today marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of Argentinian #YPJ member Ş. Lêgerîn Çiya
➡️ Lêgerîn joined the #Rojava Revolution with the true spirit of #internationalism, comitted to the struggle for women's liberation
➡️ On 17.3. in 2018 she lost her life in a car accident
#ypj #Rojava #Internationalism
This is what collaboration across four+ cities in two+ time zones looks like in practice. Here we are, hard at work on a special issue we're hoping to publish with the British Journal of the History of Science in due course.
#histodons #history #internationalism #scihistodons #histsci #STS #conferences i #HERA #publicspaces #BJHS
#histodons #history #Internationalism #scihistodons #histsci #sts #conferences #hera #publicspaces #bjhs
We've been quietly working away on various projects (more news soon!). In the meantime we're pleased to announce a new blog entry by guest contributor Julian Bondaz on the International Conferences of West Africanists. Come have a look.
#histodons #history #internationalism #scihistodons #histsci #STS #conferences
#histodons #history #Internationalism #scihistodons #histsci #sts #conferences
One cannot be a feminist and NOT an anti-imperialist. You cannot advocate for women's liberation without decrying the root of where women's oppression comes from and what continues to terrorize women and their children and families internationally.
#feminism #antiimperialism #Internationalism #womensliberation
#feminism #antiimperialism #Internationalism #womensliberation
A quotation from Rogers, Will:
You know no Nation has a monopoly on good things, each one has something that the others could well afford to adopt.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #collaboration #ideas #inspiration #internationalism
#quote #quotes #quotation #collaboration #ideas #inspiration #Internationalism
RT @berlinergazette
Internationalist Movements? Climate Crisis, Working Class, The Means Of Production · Text by Boris Kagarlitsky
#AlliedGrounds #ClimateCrisis #GreenCapitalism #GretaThunberg #GlobalSouth #Internationalism #LaborStruggles
#alliedgrounds #ClimateCrisis #greencapitalism #gretathunberg #globalsouth #Internationalism #laborstruggles
RT @berlinergazette
Common Labor Struggles? The Eco-Social And Decolonial Question Of Climate Crisis · Text by Magdalena Taube and Krystian Woznicki
#AlliedGrounds #ClimateCrisis #Internationalism #Commons #Organization #WorkingClass #Socialism
#alliedgrounds #ClimateCrisis #Internationalism #commons #organization #workingclass #socialism