⚖️ On today's #InternationalJusticeDay we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the International Criminal Court!
The treaty of the Rome Statute, signed on 17 July 1998 by 120 countries, gave birth to the permanent international body
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🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1680827169969192961
RT @EUinSyria: The 🇪🇺 and 🇩🇪 are drivers of justice & accountability for int'l crimes committed in #Syria through their support to evidence-gathering initiatives & prosecutions. United, we send the message that justice is a priority, wherever int'l crimes are committed. #InternationalJusticeDay
#Syria #InternationaljusticeDay
RT @ngos4justice: On #17July and every day @ngos4justice continue global efforts to realize the promise of justice for victims of worst crimes.
We call on gov'ts to step up with more funding and support for 🌏universal justice.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1548532736050298881
#17July #InternationaljusticeDay
RT @ngos4justice: Today #17July is #InternationalJusticeDay ⚖ marking adoption of #ICC treaty.
@ngos4justice campaigns led to court's creation 2⃣0⃣ years ago because #JusticeMatters.
Find out more on this special podcast 👉https://www.asymmetricalhaircuts.com/episodes/icc-20th-anniversary-with-the-coalition-for-the-international-criminal-court/?sharedby=pplayer
#ICCis20 @AsymmetricalH @justiceinfonet 1/2
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1548532693868101632
#17July #InternationaljusticeDay #ICC #JusticeMatters #ICCis20
Hört was @WafaMustafa9 sagt!
Ihr Vater sitzt seit Jahren in syrischen Gefängnissen und sie kämpft für seine Freilassung, die Freilassung aller Gefangenen #FreeThemAll #Syria!
RT @WafaMustafa9: Quick question: Have you read @hrw's #JusticeMatters Checklist ahead of #InternationaljusticeDay?
Well, you should because point 5️⃣ asks governments to restrain the #UnitedNations Security Council Veto.
I will tell you why this…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1547912764970061824
#FreeThemAll #Syria #JusticeMatters #InternationaljusticeDay #UnitedNations