When archive.org (#waybackMachine) is down, it’s like ~25% of the web is down for me because #InternetArchive is what enables me to reach #Cloudflare sites (which are access-restricted).
#WaybackMachine #InternetArchive #cloudflare
TIL that the #InternetArchive has a **massive** collection of scholarly articles from #PubMed (209k+ and growing)! https://archive.org/details/pubmed
Also, just a lot of scholarly articles in general. It looks like it all has full-text search too.
#InternetArchive #pubmed #academia #openAccess #nih #nlm
I watched my first #Santo movie last night — Operation 67 — and, evaluated against other b-movies at least, it had a lot going for it, not least the no-nonsense attitude of Santo. He doesn’t talk a lot of shit; he only says what needs to be said. And when he fights, he punches, kicks, and throws. No martial arts, no technique, nothing fancy. I instantly liked him. #cinemastodon #InternetArchive
#InternetArchive #cinemastodon #santo
Someone needs to save the Internet Archives from the lawyers and I have an idea | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/computing/websites-apps/someone-needs-to-save-the-internet-archives-from-the-lawyers-and-i-have-an-idea #InternetArchive #libraries
Wegen 100 Jahre alter Schallplatten: #Musikindustrie verklagt Internet Archive
#InternetArchive #Urheberrecht #ContentMafia #KulturellesGedächtnis #Archiv #Wissen #FairUse #Copyright
#Copyright #fairuse #wissen #archiv #kulturellesgedachtnis #contentmafia #Urheberrecht #InternetArchive #Musikindustrie
The more information is free, the more opportunities for it to be collected, refined, packaged and made expensive,” said Stewart Brand, the technology visionary who first developed the formulation. “The more it is expensive, the more workarounds to make it free. It’s a paradox. Each side makes the other true.”
I love shit like this.
Do you know how many people are off downloading the entire collection because of this lawsuit?
Cool collection. Check it out.
And read about it.
https: project78.archive.org
Also, they're on Masto! "A newly digitized 78rpm disc every hour"
Music Labels Sues Internet Archive Over Digitized Record Collection
#digitizedrecords #InternetArchive #78rpm #Music #project78
With the #InternetArchive in the news these days, I was reminded of Siva Vaidhyanathan's book Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How It Threatens Creativity (2001). Among the topics he covers is the origins of copyright law, including the famous Statute of Anne in 1610.
In some respects, far more enlightened than what developed in the last fifty years. Finite exclusive rights to print and the need for a work in a public domain.
Internet Archive Sued for Copyright Infringement by Major Labels – Rolling Stone
>Complaint claims organization’s “Great 78 Project,” which includes music from Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and more serves as an “illegal record store”
https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/record-labels-sue-internet-archive-412-million-copyright-infringement-lawsuit-1234806058/ #copyright #archiveorg #internetarchive
#InternetArchive #archiveorg #Copyright
@textfiles thank you, this is superb! I am huge #IA user and fan. #InternetArchive
Found some lovely old architectural drawings in the Old Hosues in Holland - Internet Archive #InternetArchive #Drawing #StreetScene #Historic #architecture #buildings #Zeeland #Holland
#zeeland #holland #buildings #architecture #historic #StreetScene #Drawing #InternetArchive
"Download Instructions for More Than 6,800 LEGO Kits at the Internet Archive"
Can't quite believe the fun I'm having watching Supernova Flashman (1986). Taking more screenshots than I know what to do with. And unexpectedly, I'm kind of getting into the story! #Tokusatsu #internetarchive #Flashman
#flashman #InternetArchive #tokusatsu
an epilogue to https://mstdn.social/@lime360/110463554722990286
screenshots are from r/neocities discord server
i really need to get my old cringe stuff away from the internet archive because i don't want future to see what did i do in the past but archive isn't really active on email and i don't really want it to get removed because of the origin of most stuff, so i have a question for you: "should i not pay attention to the archive or no?"
#InternetArchive #question
Above, in Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies against the 1991-2020 reference are quite lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850 to 1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland. https://purl.org/INRMM-MiD/z-NVNYTSDP
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
In the above Figure 4 from [1]
note how the temperature anomalies against the 1991-2020 reference are quite lower than the corresponding anomalies against the period 1850 to 1900.
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland. https://purl.org/INRMM-MiD/z-NVNYTSDP
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland. https://purl.org/INRMM-MiD/z-NVNYTSDP
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
[1] World Meteorological Organization, 2023. WMO global annual to decadal climate update (target years: 2023-2027). World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland. https://purl.org/INRMM-MiD/z-NVNYTSDP
#references #wmo #ClimateChange #purl #InternetArchive
Free Oldies!!!
"Listen to 385,000 Vintage 78 RPM Records for Free on ‘The Internet Archive’"
#78 #Recording #Music #FreeMusic #78rpm #History #InternetArchive
Here's trhe Internet Archive link:
And a bit of Caruso for you...
#InternetArchive #History #78rpm #freemusic #Music #recording