Jodi:, 1995, web project (screenshots 2012). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter VI.3.2 HTML Art. Internet: #jodi #JoanHeemskerk #DirkPaesmans #thomasdreher #netart #netartists #netart #netartproject #newartwork #netartworks #htmlart #internetart #internetartists #internetartwork #internetartworks #belgianart #belgianartist #netherlandishart #netherlandishartist #webart #webartist #WebArtists #webartwork #htmlartwork
#htmlartwork #webartwork #webartists #webartist #webart #netherlandishartist #netherlandishart #belgianartist #belgianart #internetartworks #internetartwork #internetartists #InternetArt #htmlart #netartworks #newartwork #netartproject #netartists #netart #thomasdreher #dirkpaesmans #joanheemskerk #jodi
Roy Ascott: La Plissure du Texte, ARTEX (The Artist´s Electronic Exchange Program), I.P. Sharp Associates Computer Timesharing Network, 1983. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Der Beobachter als Akteur in Happenings und umweltsensitiven Installationen, chapter II.3 Textproduktion durch Kollaboration im Datennetz. Internet: #royascott #thomasdreher #netart #collaborativeart #digitalliterature #artandtext #digitalart #digitalartist #collaborativewriting #internetart
#InternetArt #collaborativewriting #digitalartist #DigitalArt #artandtext #digitalliterature #collaborativeart #netart #thomasdreher #royascott
Roy Ascott: La Plissure du Texte, ARTEX (The Artist´s Electronic Exchange Program), I.P. Sharp Associates Computer Timesharing Network, 1983. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Der Beobachter als Akteur in Happenings und umweltsensitiven Installationen, chapter II.3 Textproduktion durch Kollaboration im Datennetz. Internet: #royascott #thomasdreher #netart #collaborativeart #digitalliterature #artandtext #digitalart #digitalartist #collaborativewriting #internetart
#InternetArt #collaborativewriting #digitalartist #DigitalArt #artandtext #digitalliterature #collaborativeart #netart #thomasdreher #royascott
Bunting, Heath: _readme – own, be owned, or remain invisible, 1998. Web project (screenshot 2012). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter VI.3.2. HTML Art. Internet: #heathbunting #thomasdreher #webart #netart #internetart #htmlart #htmlarts #webartwork #netartwork #internetartwork #netartist #netartists #internetartist #internetartists #webartist #webartists
#webartists #webartist #internetartists #internetartist #netartists #netartist #internetartwork #netartwork #webartwork #htmlarts #htmlart #InternetArt #netart #webart #thomasdreher #heathbunting
Bunting, Heath: _readme – own, be owned, or remain invisible, 1998. Web project (screenshot 2012). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter VI.3.2. HTML Art. Internet: #heathbunting #thomasdreher #webart #netart #internetart #htmlart #htmlarts #webartwork #netartwork #internetartwork #netartist #netartists #internetartist #internetartists #webartist #webartists
#webartists #webartist #internetartists #internetartist #netartists #netartist #internetartwork #netartwork #webartwork #htmlarts #htmlart #InternetArt #netart #webart #thomasdreher #heathbunting
Blank, Joachim/Jeron, Karl-Heinz: without addresses, 1997, web project. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Internationale Stadt Berlin und (Blank & Jeron). Internet:
#netart #webproject #internetart #joachimblank #karlheinzjeron #mediaart #computerart #computerartist #computerartists #netartist #netartists #netartproject #netartprojects #netartwork #netartworks #IASLonlinelessonsinnetart
#iaslonlinelessonsinnetart #netartworks #netartwork #netartprojects #netartproject #netartists #netartist #computerartists #computerartist #computerart #mediaart #karlheinzjeron #joachimblank #InternetArt #webproject #netart