«Strømstansen skal være rettet, men utstyret er ikke kommet opp igjen. Saken er feilmeldt til montør for videre feilsøking. Estimert rettetid kl 22:00»
"Powerdisruption should be solved, but the gear hasn't come back up. The case has been (error-) reported to an engineer for further troubleshooting. Estimated time it will be fixed is 22h."
It's now 18:30... So, I guess I won't have a home #InternetConnection for a while...
So, I was going to call #homenet to complain about my shitty connexion ever since their maintenance a couple of days ago.
Checking speedtest on my wife's PC though, showed she was getting proper speeds...
Then I noticed an orange blinking light on the router's LAN port my laptop is using... Unplugged it and plugged it back in, and yes, speeds are back to normal... I guess the cable might've been pulled out slightly (I ought to crimp a new plug on one of these days...), and been working on half-duplex mode instead?
Wish I'd checked that sooner... at least I hadn't called them yet....
This is far better than the 40Mbps I was getting before...
Latency: 0.76 ms (0.31 ms jitter)
Download: 772.08 Mbps (data used: 496.2 MB)
Upload: 913.83 Mbps (data used: 841.4 MB)
Packet Loss: 0.0%
#homenet #internet #NetworkConnection #InternetConnection #fail