. @bentarnoff at @internetarchive discussing #InternetForThePeople
Highlights April 1995 as a key moment: the NSF shut down its public backbone, to be replaced by private internet providers. Privatization of the internet is a deeper process than we think; it “began in the basement.”
"We are in the belly of the beast, trying to find our way out without a flashlight." Ben Tarnoff in this great discussion about his new book 'Internet for the People. Sums up the week nicely. #internet #mastodon #InternetForThePeople https://soundcloud.com/thismachinekill
#internet #mastodon #InternetForThePeople
One of my extra curricular activities is launching at the moment. We're going to be reading "Internet For The People" by Ben Tarnoff. Don't have time for a reading group? We hope to make the forum a place for active discussion too!
#locus #internetforthepeople #surveillancecapitalism #smallweb #digitalcapitalism #bigtech
#locus #InternetForThePeople #surveillancecapitalism #SmallWeb #digitalcapitalism #bigtech