What would #theInternet be like if everyone tested and designed their web experiences based on individual connections of maximum 28kbps.
So you can have multiple 28kbps connections going at once, but a server basically refuses to deliver to a client at a speed greater than 28k.
Would such an #internet be intriguing to you?
#internetStandards #webStandard #lowerConsumption #smallWeb #bandwidth #bandwidthLimiting #webDesign #ethicalWeb #28kClub
#TheInternet #internet #InternetStandards #webstandard #LowerConsumption #SmallWeb #bandwidth #bandwidthlimiting #webdesign #ethicalweb #28kclub
"#EU's current strategy is to use investments as leverage to secure the deployment of EU-supported #InternetStandards. Who makes the standard, holds the market - our fellow, Clément Perarnaud during📍the Critical Infrastructure Lab launch, day two #OpenInternet
#eu #InternetStandards #OpenInternet
[en] I've been working with ARTICLE 19 on an Internet Standards Almanac - a guide for those who are curious about engaging in the standardisation of internet infrastructure, but might not be sure about how, where. The almanac answers two primary questions: 1- Which standards developing organisations are developing standards that have human rights implications? 2- How do these standards impact human rights? https://almanac.article19.org #internetStandards #infrastructure #internetInfrastructure
#internetinfrastructure #infrastructure #InternetStandards
[en] The Critical Infrastructure Lab at the University of Amsterdam is having a launch even on April 13th/14th 2023: https://www.criticalinfralab.net/2023/01/25/launch-event/ #amsterdam #uva #criticalInfraLab #internetInfrastructure #internetStandards
#InternetStandards #internetinfrastructure #criticalinfralab #uva #amsterdam
[en] An announcement was made that's "a huge change in the web standards landscape because it effectively means that browser vendors will be solely responsible for the most important web standards today, and not the W3C and the hundreds of its members." so much for participation of civil society in shaping the future of the web. https://www.zdnet.com/article/browser-vendors-win-war-with-w3c-over-html-and-dom-standards/ #html #w3c #whatwg #InternetStandards
#InternetStandards #whatwg #w3c #html
#introduction (re-posting)
Hello, world! I'm a freelance consultant working to support the #digitalidentity and #internetstandards fields. I'm not an architect or developer; I don't design the standards. I help working groups of smart people figure out what to do and offer whatever kind of support is needed for the brilliant people who write the specifications to get it done.
I'm based on an island outside of Seattle, with my sweetheart and two Very Fuzzy kitties.
#womenintech #InternetStandards #digitalidentity #introduction
Brand new! Centralization, #Decentralization, and #InternetStandards. https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-nottingham-avoiding-internet-centralization-05.html
#InternetStandards #decentralization