@tails #Tails shouldn't care where and how I boot the #OS!
It should also not give a damn where the #PersistentStorage is located.
I'm currently evaluating it for a setup with some #ThinClients as a #privacy-concious #InternetCafe Client where people can either boot their flashdrive OR have the preinstalled #Tails just run as the main OS and have the option to just setup #Tails on their own drive or mount their Persistent Storage.
This isn't too much to ask for, or is it?
#Internetcafe #Privacy #thinclients #persistentstorage #os #tails
@robin @Joseph @fuchsiii or you could just use @torproject if not @tails , but that implementation you said is bimeing used by #ThinClient & #InternetCafé-Distributions like #Porteus...
#porteus #Internetcafe #thinclient