I wrote a blog post...
How social media makes us sad, and what to do about it.
#caschat #CSEd #computing
#ComputerScience #EdTech #InternetSafety
#Internetsafety #edtech #computerscience #Computing #csed #caschat
We know that our democracy is at risk without stronger regulation of false and harmful information online. Roger McNamee came to @BigTentUSA almost a year ago and his take is still spot on. Take a listen. We have to urge Congress to deal with this.
#bigtentusa #section230 #Internetsafety
Facebook is charging ppl $12 in Australia and New Zealand to get gov identification tied to Facebook account. I wonder if ppl pushing internet access by gov ID concept broadly in the U.S. want every user paying more for their internet and social media access also.
#InternetCensorship #MassSurveillance #InternetSurveillance #Surveillance #InternetSafety #InternetEquity
#internetequity #Internetsafety #Surveillance #internetsurveillance #masssurveillance #internetcensorship
Hass und Häme im Internet nehmen zu, und das ist etwas, gegen das wir alle zusammenarbeiten müssen. Wir alle müssen dazu beitragen, eine Kultur der Respektlosigkeit und des Hasses im Netz zu verhindern. Wir müssen einander unterstützen und einander verstehen, um eine bessere und freundlichere Online-Community aufzubauen. #Respect #NoHate #InternetSafety
#respect #nohate #Internetsafety
Here's a video we released today (on #SaferInternetDay) on @pritipatel's £500K lie on #InternetSafety.
The Govt spent £500K of taxpayers money on anti-encryption propaganda at a time when the public faces #CostOfLivingCrisis & soaring #energybills. 2/
[Video embedded in original tweet]
#saferinternetday #Internetsafety #CostOfLivingCrisis #energybills
RT from Al Ghaff (@GhaffAl)
Priti Patel’s £500K lie on #InternetSafety!
The Govt has spent £500K of taxpayers money on anti-encryption propaganda at a time when the public faces #CostOfLivingCrisis & soaring #energybills.
#SaferInternetDay2022 #Encryption #OnlineSafetyBill #NoPlaceToHide #SaferInternetDay
[Video embedded in original tweet]
#Internetsafety #CostOfLivingCrisis #energybills #SaferInternetDay2022 #encryption #onlinesafetybill #NoPlaceToHide #saferinternetday
RT @OpenRightsGroup@twitter.com
Today is #SaferInternetDay
@pritipatel@twitter.com has spent £500K+ of taxpayers money to mislead the public on #InternetSafety.
If Govt weakens #encryption, it'll only help predators, criminals, blackmailers & scammers.
#Noplacetohide #Onlinesafetybill
👉 WATCH & SHARE OUR video now.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OpenRightsGroup/status/1490976737110511616
#saferinternetday #Internetsafety #encryption #NoPlaceToHide #onlinesafetybill
Today is #SaferInternetDay
@pritipatel has spent £500K+ of taxpayers money to mislead the public on #InternetSafety.
If Govt weakens #encryption, it'll only help predators, criminals, blackmailers & scammers.
#Noplacetohide #Onlinesafetybill
👉 WATCH & SHARE OUR video now.
[Video embedded in original tweet]
#saferinternetday #Internetsafety #encryption #NoPlaceToHide #onlinesafetybill