По случай Международния #InternsDay, запознайте се с нашата #Bluebook стажантка 🇪🇺 Неда, която ще бъде част от екипа ни в следващите месеци.
🎉Честит празник, Неда! Благодарим ти, че винаги си готова да поемеш още една задача с усмивка и ентусиазъм!🙌
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1590688064590221315
Just finished watching the presentation from all the interns. So many exciting projects. They all worked on real meaningful things. I even learned a lot about non-dev stuff.
I'm so excited about the intern program, and hope I can find a way to help in the future #DOLove
RT @digitalocean@twitter.com
Happy #InternsDay! 💙 Celebrating ours with some #DearDOInterns career wisdom from our leadership team - (open tweet thread to see what they shared🧵):
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/digitalocean/status/1420774154408763394
#DearDOInterns #InternsDay #dolove