No! This can not be allowed!!
#Tennessee passes bill allowing county clerks to refuse #samesexmarriage AND #interracialmarriage
Still think the US is a free country?
#tennessee #samesexmarriage #InterracialMarriage #lgbtqiaplusrightsunderattack #islamophobia #antisemitism #racism
No! This can not be allowed!!
#Tennessee passes bill allowing county clerks to refuse #samesexmarriage AND #interracialmarriage
Still think the US is a free country?
#tennessee #samesexmarriage #InterracialMarriage
6/ at no time in my life since #HighSchool was i ever interested in getting together with former #classmates. but, for a minute on FB, i was found by many. after each connection, i experienced either racism (because of my #InterracialMarriage) or homophobia (because… i’m a lesbian). literally none of the people who found me… none of them accepted me for the person i’d allowed myself to be. it was easy to break contact and walk on, and to delete FB.
at the time, deleting FB felt like i was…
#highschool #classmates #InterracialMarriage
YES!!! #SameSexMarriages #InterracialMarriage
President Joe Biden is expected to promptly sign the measure, which requires all states to recognize same-sex marriages, a relief for hundreds of thousands of ...
#samesexmarriages #InterracialMarriage
It's getting worse...
#InterracialMarriage Under Attack: Thinking the Unthinkable
As the conservative legal movement grows more emboldened, are there any protections that will remain unquestioned?
#amerikkka #InterracialMarriage