Streamingtipp: Interview mit einem Vampir bei Prime Video #InterviewWithTheVampire #VampireChronicles #Streamingtipp @PrimeVideoDE
#InterviewWithTheVampire #vampirechronicles #streamingtipp
Interview with the Vampire: Joseph Potter als Lestats Lover in Staffel 2 #InterviewwiththeVampire #VampireChronicles
#InterviewWithTheVampire #vampirechronicles
TWD-Serien & Interview with the Vampire nehmen Dreharbeiten wieder auf #TheWalkingDead #InterviewWithTheVampire
#thewalkingdead #InterviewWithTheVampire
Tomorrow is Monday… #idontlikemondays #immortalAMC #interviewwiththevampire 🧛🏻♂️🧛🏻♂️🧛🏻♂️
#IDontLikeMondays #immortalamc #InterviewWithTheVampire
Interview with the Vampire: Trailer zu Staffel 2 zeigt Blutsauger in Paris #InterviewWithTheVampire #IWTV #VampireChronicles #ImmortalUniverse
#InterviewWithTheVampire #iwtv #vampirechronicles #immortaluniverse
È uscito il trailer della seconda stagione di #InterviewWithTheVampire e io sono INFOGATISSIMA. Ci sarà da aspettare un bel po', anche perché gli attori stanno giustamente scioperando e le riprese sono ferme, ma non vedo l'ora 🦇🩸
Les séries dans l'univers de #AnneRice ne sont toujours pas dispo en France. Quelle tristesse :blobcry:
#ImmortalUniverse #InterviewWithTheVampire #MayfairWitches
#annerice #immortaluniverse #InterviewWithTheVampire #mayfairwitches
I just watched Interview with the Vampire (1994) and gave it ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ on Trakt. #InterviewWithTheVampire #trakt
#trakt #InterviewWithTheVampire
Immortal Universe: AMC entwickelt dritte Anne-Rice-Serie #ImmortalUniverse #InterviewWithTheVampire #MayfairWitches
#mayfairwitches #InterviewWithTheVampire #immortaluniverse
“Dios mata indiscriminadamente, y nosotros también. Porque ninguna criatura de Dios es como nosotros, ninguna se parece tanto a el como nosotros.”
- Lestat, Entrevista con el vampiro (1994)
#interviewwiththevampire #entrevistaconelvampiro #tomcruise #bradpitt #kirstendunst #neiljordan
#InterviewWithTheVampire #entrevistaconelvampiro #tomcruise #bradpitt #kirstendunst #neiljordan
Happy anniversary to Anne Rice’s debut novel, ‘Interview With The Vampire’. First published on this day in 1976. #annerice #interviewwiththevampire #louisdepointedulac #thevampirechronicles #lestatdelioncourt
#AnneRice #InterviewWithTheVampire #louisdepointedulac #thevampirechronicles #lestatdelioncourt
So far I find #AMC`s #MayfairWitches fulfils the usual cliches of many American TV series. Violence, blood and death no problem, but sexuality only nicely dressed please. The show offers a rather predictable and weak performance. Maybe #Disney should have filmed the material. The corporation is very good at being boring and stupid.
#InterviewWithTheVampire #immortal #tvseries #series #horror #urbanfantasy #Marvel #Starwars #CorporateFantasy
#amc #mayfairwitches #disney #InterviewWithTheVampire #immortal #tvseries #series #horror #urbanfantasy #Marvel #starwars #CorporateFantasy
So far I find #AMC`s #MayfairWitches fulfils the usual cliches of many American TV series. Violence, blood and death no problem, but sexuality only nicely dressed please. The show offers a rather predictable and weak performance. Maybe #Disney should have filmed the material. The corporation is very good at being boring and stupid.
#InterviewWithTheVampire #immortal #tvseries #series #horror #urbanfantasy #Marvel #Starwars #CorporateFantasy
#amc #mayfairwitches #disney #InterviewWithTheVampire #immortal #tvseries #series #horror #urbanfantasy #Marvel #starwars #CorporateFantasy
Interview with the Vampire: Ben Daniels als Blutsauger in Staffel 2 #InterviewWithTheVampire #ImmortalUniverse #AnneRice
#annerice #immortaluniverse #InterviewWithTheVampire
In Episode 31 the #geeks @robbiethegeek and Jon discuss #CocaineBear & lots of other #tv and #film covered #PokerFace #InterviewWithTheVampire #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #HelloTomorrow #TheLastOfUs #TheHost #MenInBlack #Trainspotting #ShallowGrave #M3GAN Unrated #FilmPodcast #MoviePodcast #TvPodcast
#TvPodcast #moviepodcast #filmpodcast #M3GAN #ShallowGrave #Trainspotting #MenInBlack #TheHost #thelastofus #HelloTomorrow #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #InterviewWithTheVampire #pokerface #film #tv #cocainebear #Geeks
@greenspindle Wahrscheinlich sind wir..., weil dieser w..., zur Unkenntlichkeit verstümmelte Kram jegliche Identität verloren hat. Ich schaue so etwas max. 1 Folge (#Witcher #RingsofPower #wheeloftime), dann bin raus.
Gegenbeispiel: #InterviewWithTheVampire, #AMC.
Anders, aber ziemlich gelungen m. E.
#witcher #RingsofPower #wheeloftime #InterviewWithTheVampire #amc
When you mention to other #trans girls that #estrogen made you #bi and they say it only made them gayer
#interviewwiththevampire #thevampirechronicles #vampirechronicles #transition #medicaltransition #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy #sexuality #sexualorientation #lesbian #lesbians #sapphic #sapphics #gay #biromantic #bisexual #pan #panromantic #pansexual #queer #transgender #transsexual #transfeminine #transfemininity #transwomen #transwoman #transgirls #transgirl
#trans #estrogen #bi #InterviewWithTheVampire #thevampirechronicles #vampirechronicles #transition #medicaltransition #hrt #hormonereplacementtherapy #sexuality #sexualorientation #lesbian #lesbians #sapphic #sapphics #gay #biromantic #bisexual #pan #panromantic #pansexual #queer #transgender #transsexual #transfeminine #transfemininity #transwomen #transwoman #transgirls #transgirl
Oof. I had high hopes for #MayfairWitches after #InterviewWithTheVampire but episode one was not good. 😕
#mayfairwitches #InterviewWithTheVampire
Ich wollte die Neuinterpretation von #InterviewWithTheVampire wirklich (!) nicht mögen. Spoiler: Hat nicht geklappt. Die (nicht wenigen) Änderungen machen die Serie auch für eingefleischte Buchfans spannend - ohne dabei den Geist der Vorlage zu verraten. Jacob Anderson und Sam Reid als Louis und Lestat sind zwei Glücksgriffe, die sich die dunkle Seele aus dem Leib spielen. Alles sieht dazu top aus. Kurz: Die 99% auf Rotten Tomatoes bekommt man nicht für Nichts. (Gibt's aktuell auf WOW).
wanted: an artist to work with to create a vampire chronicles tarot deck that we can crowdfund #InterviewWithTheVampire #vampirechronicles
#InterviewWithTheVampire #vampirechronicles