#NuclearWaste #NuclearPower #IntoEternity #documentary #Atommüll #Atomkraft #NeinDanke
Haunting documentary
#Onkalo - Into Eternity
Directed by #MichaelMadsen, 2010
"I'm now in this place where you should never come."
Onkalo must last 100.000 years.
#MichaelMadsen #ONKALO #neindanke #atomkraft #atommull #Documentary #IntoEternity #NuclearPower #nuclearwaste
> ... Despite decades of effort, the nuclear industry does not yet have a working solution for managing spent fuel and high level waste, the most radioactive products generated by nuclear power plants... Apart from a minority of countries, most countries have not chosen any [geological] sites for a repository.
#NuclearPower #IntoEternity #JoshuaFrank #SMRs #NuclearPlants #NoNukes #CounterPunch
#counterpunch #nonukes #nuclearplants #SMRs #JoshuaFrank #IntoEternity #nuclearpower
> 人新世 を確認できるであろうマーカーはいくつも考えられるが、多くは #核開発・ #産業化・ #都市化 の結果として説明できそうである。まず、わかりやすいマーカーとして放射性物質がある。1940年代半ばに#核実験 が始まり、#自然界 にはほとんど存在しなかった#プルトニウム の同位体が世界中に放出されたことから、もっとも明確な#人新世 のマーカーとなりうる。これは #10万年後 にも「#ウラン235」の層として残るはずだ。人新世について報じる多くの海外ニュースが核実験の写真を用いていることには、こうした理由がある
#脱原発 #原発 #nonuke #IntoEternity #ウラン235 #10万年後 #人新世 #プルトニウム #自然界 #核実験 #都市化 #産業化 #核開発
@mcfly It's a good representation of the Nuclear Industry's plans for Nuclear Waste and Disaster Mitigation. #IntoEternity ...
Nuclear Industry: Repositories are nearing completion in for instance Finland. [1]
A Human Being: No person working on the facility today will live to see it completed.[2]
[1] https://www.world-nuclear.org/nuclear-essentials/what-is-nuclear-waste-and-what-do-we-do-with-it.aspx
[2] https://ratical.org/radiation/IntoEternity/OnkaloTUCradio.html
#NuclearWaste #IntoEternity #NuclearIndustry #Propaganda #Bureaucracy #NuclearPower
#nuclearpower #bureaucracy #propaganda #nuclearIndustry #IntoEternity #nuclearwaste
@manuelcaeiro @redstarfish
> For the next hundred years the multiple tunnels and chambers of Onkalo, which stretch to a depth of fifteen hundred feet [500 metres], will house all of Finland’s nuclear waste, until it is filled and sealed with cement in 2120.
> Onkalo is the first in the world – after Yucca Mountain failed technologically as well as politically in the U.S...
#IntoEternity #Onkalo #NuclearWaste #NuclearPower
#nuclearpower #nuclearwaste #ONKALO #IntoEternity
@manuelcaeiro @redstarfish
> Repositories are nearing completion in for instance Finland.
Nearing Completion? 98 years is near by some sort of standard but...
#IntoEternity #NuclearWast
> Are we at present committing a crime against humanity in the future?
#IntoEternity producer #MichaelMadsen on #NuclearWaste and #LimitedImagination
#LimitedImagination #nuclearwaste #MichaelMadsen #IntoEternity
> Was the disaster in Japan preceded by a kind of mental meltdown in the political arena? Many incidents and ‘near disasters’ have happened in nuclear facilities all over Japan since the 1980‘s, but they have largely been kept secret from the public. Such attitude can only be aimed at maintaining a sense of security, but it is a false security and as such it prevents re-evaluation, considerations, and improvements in security.
#NuclearPower #IntoEternity #Onkalo
#ONKALO #IntoEternity #nuclearpower
> For some time the nuclear industry has claimed nuclear fuel will be re-processed. However, in this chain of mounting absurdities, reprocessing creates plutonium, that will have to be kept safe not for 100,000 but for one million years. Unless it is used in a nuclear weapons with the potential to destroy the planet instantly.
#NuclearWaste #NuclearPower #IntoEternity
#IntoEternity #nuclearpower #nuclearwaste
> That's what the whole thing rests upon in Finland and in any such a repository in the world wherever they may be built. But the problem is – and it is one of the paradoxes involved in trying to handle nuclear waste responsibly towards the future generations – the problem is that we have nothing to compare with and we have no way for testing if it will work simply because the time span is so big. That is the real problem.
#IntoEternity #Onkalo #NuclearWaste
#nuclearwaste #ONKALO #IntoEternity
#FukushimaDaiIchi (and #Chernobyl and #ThreeMileIsland and...) showed us that nuke plants tend to blow up eventually anyway. We should really work on shutting them down and figure out how to make all the already-been-produced #IntoEternity pollution as harmless as possible. It will be much harder to deal with the #ForeverDangerous #NukeWastes if they are scattered around by missiles in a #War. That's another big worry about the #RussianInvasion of the #Ukraine.
#ukraine #RussianInvasion #war #NukeWastes #ForeverDangerous #IntoEternity #threemileisland #chernobyl #FukushimaDaiIchi