Our latest #preprint develops a new metric of #CodonAdaptation (not just #CodonBias) to measure the kind of #EffectivePopulationSize that matters to #NearlyNeutralTheory, and uses it to discover that #NaturalSelection prefers high #IntrinsicStructuralDisorder https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.02.530449v1 1/6
#MolecularEvolution #PopulationGenetics #EvolgenPaper
#preprint #codonadaptation #codonbias #effectivepopulationsize #nearlyneutraltheory #naturalselection #IntrinsicStructuralDisorder #MolecularEvolution #populationgenetics #evolgenpaper
We wanted to know what caused the extraordinarily #LongTermTrends we previously saw: in #IntrinsicStructuralDisorder and in the degree to which hydrophobic #AminoAcids are clustered, as a function of the time elapsed since a Pfam domain originated. https://elifesciences.org/articles/57347 2/11
#LongTermTrends #IntrinsicStructuralDisorder #AminoAcids