Hi all my name is Stu.
I love technology and music first and foremost.
I am a big fan of open source software and apps
I love playing golf when I'm not working. I also got back into skateboarding 🛹
Hello sciences.social! I work on social policy and programme evaluations, primarily RCTs and quasi-experiments, at the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) in London, UK.
#introduction #evaluation #ProgramEvaluation #PolicyEvaluation #SocialScience #ProgrammeEvaluation #CausalInference #RStats #DAGs #methodology #RCT #QuasiExperiment
#Introduction #evaluation #programevaluation #policyevaluation #socialscience #programmeevaluation #causalinference #rstats #dags #methodology #RCT #quasiexperiment
Dynare is an open-source software for solving, simulating and estimating a large class of macroeconomic models. It is widely used in both academia and policy institutions.
This account migrated from Econtwitter.net.
Hi there !
My name is RADINSKY, I am a full-time artist and author ! I just arrived on mstdn.social and it’s lovely to meet you all !
Here is some of my #art !
Also, do let me know about how things work around here: I have been on another instance on mastodon before, but not this server
#Artist #DigitalArt #Introduction #Art
Good morning! ☕
I am usually very careful regarding my "hobby". My family, most friends and work colleagues know nothing about it. And they shouldn't. That's why I am also hesitant to give much personal info here.
But some of you might be curious. So here's a little more: I am 29 years old and basically live as a #homenudist since I moved to my own apartment. I always enjoyed being #naked a lot but I didn't grow up in a #nudistfamily.
#Introduction #intro #nudistfamily #naked #homenudist
This is an updated, abridged #Introduction
I remain on social media chiefly out of concern over COVID, fascism, and climate change.
I’m a recluse. Offline I keep to myself. But I’ve also never met a stranger. I’ll be the first to offer condolences and congratulations, but honestly at this point not much else. Between mostly boosting others' toots, odd photos, news items, or research concerning the above-mentioned matters I’ll occasionally vent. But not often. I don’t spend much time or invest much of myself here.
I’m a survivor of clergy sexual abuse from Greater Boston. I’m a survivor of familial narcissistic abuse. I’m a survivor of two strokes, suicide attempts, and being hit by a 65+ MPH car. I’ve been alcohol and hard-drug free 17 years. I can take a beating. #CPTSD
I’m an unpublished writer. I spend half the day reading and compiling everything I’ve ever written into one unbound bildungsroman-manifesto, the other half I spend in recovery and martial training in wait for delivery of the next decisive moment.
Hi, I'm Demi.
Cuddly, a bit silly, and curious.
Also somewhat shy.
I'm non-binary, ace-spec, neurodiverse, a spoonie, queer-feminist, and anarchist.
And I probably forgor something 😅
I'm happy to meet people and I'm very fascinated by many things.
What matters to me is goodwill, clear words, and exchange.
Hello - just a very quick #Introduction (or reintroduction) as I figure out how to move instances. I gave up the bird last November in one of the migrations and haven't looked back since. I genuinely prefer this calmer, more nuanced, more enjoyable type of social media. I am a Secondary school English teacher in the UK. Keen to connect with #Education people, #Teachers #EduTooter and the like, but I also love #Food #Wine #Cheese #TaylorSwift and #WhiteTailedEagles
#WhiteTailedEagles #taylorswift #cheese #Wine #Food #edutooter #teachers #Education #Introduction
Hi! I’m a Geoscientist with a deep interest in spatial data science and analytics. I have extensive experience across Geophysics, remote sensing/earth observation and spatial analysis and a passion for cartography, photography, running and good coffee!
Having now shut down my 10 year old Twitter account completely, I’m here to find new interesting people with similar interests and interesting Geo content!
#introduction #geo #geospatial #spatial #remotesensing #running #Coffee #photography
#Introduction #geo #geospatial #spatial #remotesensing #running #Coffee #photography
Hi my Name is Karsten D. Wolf. I am a professor for media education and educational technology at University Bremen. I am interested in media repertoires of learning and teaching. I am in #software #development: diagnostic measurement and literacy education https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/leaonline/ + classroom interaction systems https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/leaonline/ + some other prototypes. I am an expert in educational videos and #tutorials on #YouTube. Interested in #gamestudies #introduction
#software #development #tutorials #youtube #gamestudies #Introduction
Hi all my name is Stu, I am an engineer who builds stainless steel conveyor guards with #solidworks
I love open source software and using Linux
I am a huge fan of #music
I have also started back into #skateboarding
#Introduction #solidworks #music #skateboarding
#ITByte: #Quantum #Supremacy refers to quantum computers being able to solve a problem that a classical computer cannot.
Here is a quick #Introduction to Quantum Supremacy.
#Introduction #supremacy #quantum #itbyte
hey! can anyone help my son and I? we’ve been homeless living in my car.. escaped abuse from his dad, and he has autoimmune issues.. we need funds for food for the next few days until my EBT comes.. anything helps!! paypal.me/jascab1213 c*shapp- $nxty #SettlerSaturday #MutualAid #crowdfund #trans #BegPost #help #donate #MutualAidRequest #transcrowdfund #reblog #share #Introduction #crowdfunding #juneteenth
#SettlerSaturday #MutualAid #crowdfund #trans #BegPost #help #donate #MutualAidRequest #transcrowdfund #reblog #share #Introduction #crowdfunding #juneteenth
I joined mastodon last Nov coz I saw it trending. Ian gon lie I like it because its different to all the other socials and imma keep wit it . I check it Daily coz da posts r different feel me. But I ain't gonna lie sum of yall posts are boring 😴
I want to like this app but we need to fire this bitch up with fun , not just tech shit.
I ain disrespect yall but let's make dis fun an interesting feel me.
Hit me up fo a follow if yall feel the same.
Love Jaden ❤️
Hello fellow Kolektivists.
I'm here to join and support those opposed to growing fascism in US and world politics, environmentalism and local governance and political activism.
My political and environmental activism dates back to the early 1970s in Nebraska, Wyoming, Alaska, New Mexico and California. I work locally to promote public participation in local government, and to reveal the effects of global fascism on local politics and civil affairs.
#Fascism #Government #SantaCruzCounty #California #LocalGovernment #Environmentalism #Biodiversity #Ecology #EarthFirst! #NaturalWorld #ComplexityTheory #ChaosTheory #Taoism #Zen
#Introduction #fascism #government #santacruzcounty #california #localgovernment #environmentalism #biodiversity #ecology #earthfirst #naturalworld #complexitytheory #chaostheory #taoism #zen
#introduction: Hi I’m Farah. I’m originally from a small South Asian country; now live in Iowa, USA. I talk about my hobbies, #books, #gaming, #sciencefiction and #StarTrek and other isssues like #mentalheaIth #science #psychology. Occasionally I’ll talk about #USpolitics. I complain about the world a lot. I am pathologically anxious and make jokes to compensate, they aren’t always funny. Trying to connect with people because it’s hard to make friends in real life. Peace! 🖖🏼
#Introduction #books #gaming #sciencefiction #startrek #mentalheaith #Science #psychology #uspolitics
I'm Aryanne and I live in Utrecht NL together with my partner.
I'm a #GrayAce #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme.
I transitioned in 2017, my egg started to break years earlier and since then I'm actively seeking out queer spaces.
Being forced to stop with my daytime job I had more time to think about how rotten #capitalism and the #ClimateCrisis are and I became an #anarchist and #ClimateActivist following the principles of #ExtinctionRebellion.
I love my #cat @flippie and post his pictures once in a while.
I like good #food, #photography, #art, #opera and a broad varity of #music.
I used to work as software developer and enterprise architect.
I'm #ActuallyAutistic and #BiPolar and probably #cPTSD and #ADHD.
This combination and the stress the world gave me made me broken beyond repair.
Beginning of this year I made an end of life choice, read more about it here:
I mostly post/interact in English, but sometimes in Dutch.
Due to my #dyslexia I will probably edit my post within minutes and it still might not make any sense 🙃
#Introduction #grayace #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme #capitalism #ClimateCrisis #Anarchist #climateactivist #ExtinctionRebellion #Cat #food #photography #art #opera #Music #actuallyautistic #bipolar #cptsd #adhd #dyslexia #xr
Hello! #Introduction post here. I'm an artist and general nerd who lives in #Minnesota. I like to take video and photos when I'm out in nature and share them for others to enjoy.
Most of the stuff I post will be from Minnesota, but not always.
I believe in equal rights for all, peace, and friendship. I love a good cup of tea and conversation.
I have a YouTube and a couple other social accounts and I'm really excited to be joining Mastodon! New friends, yay!
:laecess: #Introduction #LAECESS
We are a group early-career #EarthSystem scientists from #LatinAmerica and the Caribbean.
Our main goals are
Read more about us here.
#interdisciplinarity #LatinAmerica #earthsystem #LAECESS #Introduction