Slides and abstract of my talk "Interferometric single-pixel imaging with a multicore fiber" made at ISCS23 (Luxembourg, June 12-14, 2023) now available at and All this is based on the work of Olivier Leblanc. Long journal preprint version "Interferometric lensless imaging: rank-one projections of image frequencies with speckle illuminations" on /abs/2306.12698 in colaboration with S. Sivankutty, M. Hofer, H. Rigneault, #imaging #lensless #compressivesensing #computationalimaging #speckle #compressedsensing #InverseProblem (toot generated thanks to directly from my website
#InverseProblem #compressedsensing #speckle #ComputationalImaging #CompressiveSensing #lensless #imaging
In February I gave a popular talk in the “Math encounters” series at MoMath, New York. My topic was the mathematics of X-ray tomography.
Try out my 5 levels of tomographic brain puzzles in YouTube:
Let me know in the comments how many you were able to solve! 😃
#MoMath #mathencounters #InverseProblem #tomography
Currently enjoying attending the Mathematical Models for Plug-and-play Image Restoration in Paris. Very interesting introductory tutorial talks by Samuel Hurault and Regev Cohen on PnP and RED in common framework built on potentials, convergence analysis and improvements #Workshop #PnP #InverseProblem #Denoiser
#denoiser #InverseProblem #pnp #workshop
@gabrielpeyre This is indeed a key experiment by Alan V. Oppenheim. Following his results, I realized with T. Feuillen, a few years ago, that this is also true in complex compressive sensing with Gaussian matrices. Paper, slides, demo, and video here:
#InverseProblem #fourier #phase #signal #CompressiveSensing