I found 31 species of bugs in mygarden for #InverteFest with #iNaturalist, fun weekend!
See today's update on Tumblr! https://www.tumblr.com/humansbgone/727297493729247232/the-second-scene-is-now-done-in-its-entirety?source=share
#scifi #animation #bug #bugs #insect #insects #InverteFest
Early alert. #InverteFest , organized by @franzanth is coming from 28 Aug - 3 Sept 2023. Share your photos of invertebrates during that period with the hashtag.
Only have pictures of your pet snail? That's fine, just post it during that time period. 🙂
#InverteFest #inaturalist #invertebrates
A happy pollinator: a black-shouldered drone fly (Eristalis dimidiata) on a daisy.
#fly #flies #syrphidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #invertefest #nature #pollinators #flowers #flowersofmastodon
#fly #flies #syrphidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #InverteFest #nature #pollinators #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
Woodworm markings I captured in beeswax, from the same log I used to make the piece on my profile pic.
I never finished the project, but seems appropriate for my last post for this year's InverteFest. It's been fun, I hope next year I can share a finished work using this texture.
Here's the whole millipede from the preceding post. It's headed away from us (they always are!) so we can't see its face.
When they're on their feet, these guys are always in motion. When they feel threatened they curl into a spiral with their legs on the inside.
#myriapods #millipedes #arthropods #invertefest #photography #nature
#myriapods #millipedes #arthropods #InverteFest #photography #nature
What you might see when riding a millipede as it zips across the forest floor.
We have a lot of these in our yard. They sometimes get into the kitchen, where they're chased by curious cats.
#myriapods #millipedes #arthropods #invertefest #photography #nature
#myriapods #millipedes #arthropods #InverteFest #photography #nature
For #InverteFest a small collection of #butterflies seen last week in southwest #France. Even more tricky to photograph than birds (for me!) so not full complement of species actually seen! Total amateur, but I think…
1. (CW from top left) common blue, black-veined white, small copper, speckled wood, wall & Provençal fritillary & 2. swallowtail, southern festoon & scarce swallowtail.
#France #butterflies #InverteFest
Oh, one more #InverteFest thing: Recently I was researching Andreas Kay (RIP) a bit, because since I saw his Flickr stream recommended by Draw A Box as a source of reference pictures for #insects and #arachnids I have been in awe https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreaskay/
Basically, I wanted to find out who owns the rights to his images now, and check in with them to make sure that using them as reference for drawings is ok, even if the drawings might be published or sold.
#arachnids #insects #InverteFest
Ah, and because this is also possibly relevant to #InverteFest, c&p of a toot f mine from a few days ago:
I am becoming a bit frustrated with the lack of resources about drawing animals _other than_ mammals or birds. Can anyone here recommend anything that goes further than just the normal Dynamic Sketching classes? Books, websites, videos, anything?
I mean cats are cool and all but so are #insects, #arachnids & #molluscs, know what I mean?
boosts welcome!
#molluscs #arachnids #insects #InverteFest
I love these posters you've been making so much, and I am glad you're bringing them here and encoraging people to participate in #InverteFest here.
For the last day of #InverteFest: all the slugs I photographed yesterday in High Park!
#InverteFest #gastropoda #slugs #macro
Yesterday at our #UndergraduateResearch Conference, I got to see 2 students with my own advisor talking about the first observation of the local #Astrangia coral NOT going into winter dormancy. It was so warm in the Long Island Sound/Narragansett Bay this winter that the polyps never went dormant. The students have been doing analysis of what the corals had been eating.
#astrangia #undergraduateresearch #InverteFest
I'm hoping it's better late than never for #InverteFest, with this photo of a beautiful globular springtail (Dicyrtomina saundersi)!
#SoilFauna #SoilEcology #SoilBiodiversity #Mesofauna #Springtail #SpringtailSunday #MacroPhotography #Collembola
#InverteFest #SoilFauna #soilecology #SoilBiodiversity #Mesofauna #Springtail #SpringtailSunday #Macrophotography #Collembola
most of my #InverteFest fun I had with Octopoi though! Such endless variety of forms, so much to learn from drawing them :)
(These were days 81-84 of my 100 days of drawing animals.)
#octopus #ink #art #InverteFest
interrupting my usual (attempt at a) strictly chronological order of posting drawings because #InverteFest is still going on so the Vertebrae have to take a backseat for now. Instead I present to you these charming lil #spiders, which were days 79 & 80 of drawing animals respectively :)
this does not bode well for #InverteFest / #CityNatureChallenge :inaturalist: ಠ_à²
#InverteFest #citynaturechallenge #dlws