> .. The "invisible foot" ensures us that in a free-market ... economy each person pursuing only his own good will automatically, and most efficiently, do his part in maximizing the general public misery.
#InvisibleFoot #PublicMisery #FreeMarkets #RobertDArge #EKHunt
#EKHunt #RobertDArge #freemarkets #PublicMisery #InvisibleFoot
> .. each man will soon discover that through contrivance he can impose external diseconomies on other men, knowing that the bargaining within the new market that will be established will surely make him better off. The more significant the social cost imposed upon his neighbor, the greater will be his reward in the bargaining process.. D'Arge and I have labeled this process "the invisible foot" of the laissez faire .. market place.
#EKHunt #InvisibleFoot #LaisessFaire
#LaisessFaire #InvisibleFoot #EKHunt
> The darker side of market incentives has been neglected and underestimated. Two modern exceptions are Ralph d’Arge and E.K. Hunt, who coined the less famous but equally appropriate concept, “invisible foot” to describe the socially counter-productive behavior of foisting costs onto others that markets also promote.
#EKHunt #InvisibleFoot #Market #Economics #ParEcon #ParticipatoryEconomics of #MichaelAlbert and #RobinHahnel
#RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #participatoryeconomics #parecon #economics #market #InvisibleFoot #EKHunt