RT @Twitlertwit@twitter.com
The @DNC@twitter.com Approved And Kept Private A Generous Exit Package For @TomPerez@twitter.com And Two Top Deputies #NeverBloomberg #bloombergisaRacist #ShadowINC #Iowacaucusdisaster https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rubycramer/tom-perez-dnc-compensation
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Twitlertwit/status/1228972975946227714
#IowaCaucusDisaster #shadowinc #BloombergIsARacist #NeverBloomberg
RT @RoseAnnDeMoro@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RoseAnnDeMoro/status/1224918943732662272
RT @PatFromm@twitter.com
So it took IA Dems an hour for each percentage of vote to report out this batch. If they keep up that pace we'll have their full count by 5:00 am on Thursday. #IowaCaucusDisaster #CORRUPTION #Bernie2020 https://twitter.com/PatFromm/status/1224924759479197697
#Bernie2020 #corruption #IowaCaucusDisaster
RT @JamieSeagull@twitter.com
Wait, so Shadow, Inc is a FOREIGN CORPORATION???
What the hell does this mean??
#IowaCaucusDisaster #Iowa #ACRONYM #ShadowInc #ShadowApp #DNC #Election2020 #IowaCaucuses #NotMeUs https://twitter.com/EALense/status/1224905407602118656
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JamieSeagull/status/1224911704292614144
#notmeus #IowaCaucuses #election2020 #dnc #shadowapp #shadowinc #acronym #iowa #IowaCaucusDisaster
RT @cthulhu4america@twitter.com
Tremble mortals, for the #IowaCaucusDisaster is but a prelude to the abolition of the entire human population.
The Shadow App has declared Cthulhu the winner of the #IowaCaucas
#IowaCaucusDisaster #IowaCaucas
RT @robbystarbuck@twitter.com
We’ve reached the "Russia is controlling your mind and social media backlash" point of the #IowaCaucusDisaster.
These people just can’t accept how incompetent their party leadership is. 😂
RT @feetothefire@twitter.com
The primary will be rigged every step of the way.
#NotMeUs and @BernieSanders@twitter.com
should contest every result in every primary moving forward and demand a paper count.
#PresidentBernieSanders #BernieWon
#DNCRigged #DNCisCorrupt
#MayorCheat #TomPerezResign
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/feetothefire/status/1224748871835967489
#TomPerezResign #MayorCheat #DNCIsCorrupt #DNCRigged #IowaCaucusDisaster #BernieWon #presidentberniesanders #notmeus
RT @OldRowOfficial@twitter.com
So this dude flips a coin, looks at it, then places it on heads to give Buttigieg a delegate? Nice!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OldRowOfficial/status/1224732196897947649
The plot sickens #IowaCaucusDisaster
RT @drmistercody@twitter.com
For the curious, Pete's campaign paid Shadow twice for "software rights and subscriptions", Biden's paid them once for "text messaging", and Gillibrand's made six payments for "software".
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drmistercody/status/1224597485781303297
Can you imagine how supporters of #MayorCheat feel now that they see what a fool he's made of himself and them in the whole #IowaCaucusDisaster ?
#IowaCaucusDisaster #MayorCheat