@johnallison personally as an #iowan I'm glad they have moved on. While it's cool to go somewhere local and hear the future President talk, it's time others get the same opportunity. We now have a super majority of republicans in the state legislature so we should be focusing on building better leadership for the state.
I'm Melissa but I use my birdsite handle on Mastodon. I'm an #Iowan living in Eugene, #Oregon, USA. I've previously lived in London, Los Angeles, Florida, and South Carolina. I have a BA in #theatre, am a sci-fi nerd (#StarWars!), love photography, and am very political (#progressive #Democrat.) My life has been radically changed by #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis and #Sarcoidosis.
Thank you to Mastodon for being so welcoming. I look forward to building a new community here.
#introductions #Iowan #oregon #theatre #starwars #progressive #democrat #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Sarcoidosis