"I demand the independence of woman, her right to support herself; to live for herself; to love whomever she pleases, or as many as she pleases. I demand freedom for both sexes, freedom of action, freedom in love and freedom in motherhood." - Emma Goldman
#IranianWomensRevolution #iranianwomensrights #IranianWomenProtest #IranianWomenLivesMatter #iranianwomensmovement
#IranianWomensRevolution #iranianwomensrights #iranianwomenprotest #IranianWomenLivesMatter #iranianwomensmovement
RT @IranWireEnglish: Iranian Women Can Do It!
#Iran #IranRevolution2022 #IranProtests2022 #IranianLivesMatter #iranianwomenlivesmatter #iranianwomen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1585132248126623746
#iran #iranrevolution2022 #IranProtests2022 #IranianLivesMatter #IranianWomenLivesMatter #Iranianwomen
No dejemos de recordar #iranianwomenrevolution #IranianWomenLivesMatter Iran security forces fire tear gas near Tehran school after dispute https://ara.tv/2p2tj
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/annaterronc/status/1584926394970251267
#iranianwomenrevolution #IranianWomenLivesMatter
“Se non verranno interrogati gli agenti che l’hanno arrestata e quelli che l’hanno presa in custodia nel commissariato, come si potrà arrivare alla verità?”
#MahsaAmini #HumanRights #IranianProtests2022 #IranianWomenLivesMatter #21ottobre
#21ottobre #IranianWomenLivesMatter #IranianProtests2022 #humanrights #MahsaAmini #iran
#MashaAmini #iran #IranianWomenLivesMatter
RT @MarianoGiustino: Lei è #MahsaAmini, la ventiduenne simbolo della #Rivoluzione contro l'apartheid di genere in #Iran.
Qui canta, balla… ed è felice.
Le milizie di #Khamenei l'hanno uccisa massacrandola di botte solo perché aveva stato mostrato un po' dei suoi capelli
@RadioRadicale #Turchia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/alepanzaoff/status/1583182751489880064
#MashaAmini #iran #IranianWomenLivesMatter #MahsaAmini #Rivoluzione #Khamenei #Turchia
Una studentessa 16enne, #AsraPanahi, sarebbe stata "picchiata a morte per essersi rifiutata di cantare l'inno pro-regime".
#IranianWomenLivesMatter #HumanRights #IranRevolution2022 #18ottobre
#18ottobre #iranrevolution2022 #humanrights #IranianWomenLivesMatter #asrapanahi #iran
Aux côtés des manifestants à Paris, pour apporter notre soutien total aux Iraniennes et Iraniens qui se soulèvent avec un courage inouï contre la dictature islamique des mollahs et qui se battent pour un #Iran libre, démocratique et laïc! #IranProtests #IranianWomenLivesMatter
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ConstanceLeGrip/status/1576246634899722241
#iran #IranProtests #IranianWomenLivesMatter
Hoofddoek en andere bedekkingen van vrouwen hier in het Westen, zijn een ondubbelzinnig aanknopen bij de (relatief primitieve) oorsprongscultuur en is meteen ook het afwijzen van de idee dat je je wil verbinden met de Westerse cultuur. Zo simpel is het. #IranianWomenLivesMatter
RT @rosaperis1: Un día como hoy Clara Campoamor consiguió el derecho al voto de las mujeres. La recordamos con admiración. Esa lucha x la igualdad y la libertad, hoy la están librando con enorme valentía las mujeres iraníes.#IranianWomenLivesMatter
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaValenciano/status/1576191407387475969
RT @verdejomar: No está sacado de una película, es la realidad que se está viviendo hoy en Irán. Es un horror.
#MahsaAminii 🖤 no olvidamos.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MMunizdeurquiza/status/1574089728185565185
#MahsaAminii #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests #Iranianwomen #IranianWomenLivesMatter
RT @Omid_M: A few moments of the vibe in Tehran, tonight. The contagious feeling of liberation, and the support of the honking cars.....
##Mahsa_Amini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی #OpIran
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1573631616819273730
#ForAllWomen #IranianProtests2022 #IranianWomenLivesMatter #Mahsa_Amini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی #opiran
Autèntiques heroines i herois: manifestant-se a Moscu en contra de la guerra d’invasió de Putin. Hi ha esperança d’acabar amb els règims tirànics que trenquen la civilització. Via @SobolLubov #Russia #IranianWomenLivesMatter
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/enricmorera/status/1572894798138281984
#russia #IranianWomenLivesMatter
RT @uk_karen: Amazing courage shown by women in #IranianWomenLivesMatter and #kurdish women. We should all support. @julie4north @Chartist48 @donflynnmrn @PhilVellender @FrancesOGrady @EVAWuk
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/julie4north/status/1572935243677708291
#IranianWomenLivesMatter #Kurdish
Hoy en #Madrid
Nuestro apoyo visible a las valientes mujeres de #Irán ha de ser inequívoco
RT @harriettamill: Miércoles 21 de septiembre a las 19:00 h. Concentración de apoyo a las mujeres iraníes frente a la embajada de Irán en Madrid #IranianWomenLivesMatter #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #WhiteWednesday
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/beatrizbecerrab/status/1572550248354189312
#Madrid #Irán #IranianWomenLivesMatter #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #WhiteWednesday
Incredibile ciò che sta succedendo in #Iran.
Ancora una volta sono le donne che dimostrano di avere il coraggio di impulsare i cambiamenti.
Sogno un mondo in cui non ci siano più religioni che impongano obblighi a chi non ci crede.
#IranProtests #IranianWomenLivesMatter
RT @GEsfandiari
Unprecedented scenes in Iran: woman sits on top of utility box and cuts her hair in main square in Kerman to protest death of Mahsa Amini after her …
#IranianWomenLivesMatter #iranprotests #iran
RT @mounirsatouri: [Communiqué de presse #Iran]
Je lance un appel @EmmanuelMacron sur la situation en Iran.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DavidCormand/status/1572285011575054336
#iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranianWomenLivesMatter #Masha_Amini
[Communiqué de presse #Iran]
Je lance un appel @EmmanuelMacron sur la situation en Iran.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MounirSatouri/status/1572218986451927047
#iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #IranianWomenLivesMatter #Masha_Amini