As of #2022, I write fiction, mostly #SciFi and #fantasy. I wrote a #MiddleGrade #Novel and am querying agents.
I've been into geeky nerdy stuff all my life and was raised on Spielberg and Lucas. #RayBradbury and #RodSerling are my writing gods. Over my desk is a one-sheet of #Akira, and a #TimeBandits map. I also have a collection of robots, including #IronGiant, #ROM Spaceknight, Conti from #FLCL, and #2XL, among others.
I'll stop here because--is this actually interesting? Anyway...hi.
#2XL #flcl #rom #IronGiant #TimeBandits #akira #RodSerling #raybradbury #novel #middlegrade #fantasy #scifi