Beer review! Tasting #IronHillBrewery's Orange #Creamsicle #MilkshakeIPA to see if it brings the nostalgic summertime flavors of orange creamsicle ice cream!
#IceCream #IPA #beer
#beer #ipa #icecream #milkshakeipa #creamsicle #IronHillBrewery
Three different beer packages arrived last week, from the eastern half of the country (or rather, countries) --- from Georgia's #WildHeavenBeer, Canada's #PartakeBrewing, and Pennsylvania's #IronHillBrewery.
#IronHillBrewery #PartakeBrewing #WildHeavenBeer
Happy #CincoDeMayo! To commemorate the day (which originally had nothing to do with drinking—that’s the Americanized version of course), I’ve got reviews of two Mexican-style #lagers for you, from #CruxFermentationProject and #IronHillBrewery. Cheers!
#IronHillBrewery #CruxFermentationProject #lagers #cincodemayo
A surprise package from Pennsylvania’s #IronHillBrewery arrived last week just in time for #CincoDeMayo—a six pack of its new Lemon Cerveza Mexican Style #Lager. The beer is set to be available at all the Iron Hill locations starting May 5.
#lager #cincodemayo #IronHillBrewery