Recently added quite a few finger-sized gadgets!
- Kingston DataTraveler Exodia 64GB
- Orico USB-C female to USB-A male
- PortaPow Data Blocker Pure - Prevents juice jacking
- Sandisk Ultra Luxe 64GB
- Kingston Ironkey Locker+ 50 32GB
- Yubico Security Key USB C NFC
Really happy with the performance of each product so far.
#usbflashdrive #KingstonIronkeyLocker50 #IronKey #yubico #yubikeys #Orico #portapow #juicejacking #sandisk #flashdrives #securitykeys #datablocker #usbcondom #newtoys
#usbflashdrive #KingstonIronkeyLocker50 #IronKey #yubico #yubikeys #Orico #portapow #juicejacking #sandisk #flashdrives #securitykeys #datablocker #usbcondom #newtoys
Thinking of stepping up my online security game. Gonna probably get 2x Security Key series from @yubico, and also a hardware aes 256 encrypted drive to store backups of important files like my password manager vault and 2FA recovery codes. Shortlisted hardware encrypted drives I'm looking at are: Samsung T7 series SSD or the Kingston Ironkey Locker+ 50 USB flash drive. Anyone has a similar setup or have recommendations? #OnlineSecurity #2fa #HardwareEncryption #IronKey #yubikey
#onlinesecurity #2fa #hardwareencryption #IronKey #yubikey
📬Bitcoin-Passwort vergessen: bleibt Zugriff auf 240 Mio USD verwehrt?📬 #StefanThomas #AlexStamos #IronKey #Krypto
#krypto #IronKey #alexstamos #StefanThomas
📬Lesetipps: Das Wikipedia Versprechen, Daten von Parla, Android-Spyware📬 #Geheimdienste #LinusNeumann #NikoHärting #Lesetipps #IronKey #spyware #Parler #bnd
#bnd #parler #spyware #IronKey #lesetipps #nikohärting #linusneumann #geheimdienste