#Vice-Premier ministre : les forces #russes vident le réservoir de #Kakhovka.
#IrynaVereshchuk. « Les occupants vident le réservoir de Kakhovka. C'est une menace pour l'environnement, l'approvisionnement en eau et l'#agriculture des oblasts de #Zaporizhzhia et de #Kherson.
#vice #russes #Kakhovka #IrynaVereshchuk #agriculture #Zaporizhzhia #Kherson
Ucraina, vicepremier Vereshchuk: `Con Draghi al governo vinceremo la guerra` - Video - Adnkronos.com #IrynaVereshchuk #mariodraghi #ucrainanews #crisigoverno #dimissionidraghi #17luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWRua3Jvbm9zLmNvbS91Y3JhaW5hLXZpY2VwcmVtaWVyLXZlcmVzaGNodWstZHJhZ2hpLXNhLWNoZS1zdG9yaWEtc2ktc2NyaXZlLWFkZXNzby1hbmNoZS1wZXItaXRhbGlhLXZpZGVvXzdEdW5EUGtkZEpVNkhTMTN1YVNLVjk=
#17luglio #dimissionidraghi #crisigoverno #ucrainanews #mariodraghi #IrynaVereshchuk
Iryna Vereshchuk has blamed the China’s gov for the pro-Russian rhetorics. “We need weapons, not blankets and bedding”, she answered CCP
What kind of cotton blankets are? Russians bomb residential quarters of our cities. We need air defence to shut the skies over civilian. What kind of waterproof pads are?
#StandWithUkrain #IrynaVereshchuk #StopPutinNOW #stopChinaNow
#stopChinaNow #StopPutinNOW #IrynaVereshchuk #StandWithUkrain