I’m enjoying the second series of #foundation but it would be more accurate to replace “based on the novel by #IsaacAsimov ” with “the novel by Isaac Asimov was somewhere in the house when the teleplay was written.”
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.” #IsaacAsimov
#democracy #Trump #maga
#maga #Trump #democracy #IsaacAsimov
I Fought Three Laws and Three Laws Won
#IsaacAsimov #HashtagGames #songssangbyrobotcops
I just discovered that Hollywood had a chance to make a *good* movie out of "I, Robot" and blew it. In 1978 Warner Brothers hired Harlan Ellison to adapt #IsaacAsimov's classic stories into a screenplay. Asimov loved the result, which he thought was faithful to the spirit of his stories but really different in execution. But after rattling around in Movie Studio Hell for several years, it was never filmed. Years later we got something with little resemblance to Asimov's work. #ScienceFiction
Ich habe #Astounding von #AlecNevalaLee gestern Abend der Runde beim #BerlinerSFDinner ans Herz gelegt und will das hier auch noch tun: eine gründliche, aber unterhaltsame Biografie des klassischen #ScienceFiction-Magazins und seines "Dreiergestirns" #JohnWCampbell, #IsaacAsimov und #RobertAHeinlein - Anführungszeichen, weil #LRonHubbard in der Legendenbildung immer vornehm weggelassen wird. Diese und andere Geschichtsklitterungen macht Nevala-Lee nicht mit. Dolles Teil!
#Astounding #AlecNevalaLee #berlinersfdinner #sciencefiction #johnwcampbell #IsaacAsimov #RobertAHeinlein #LRonHubbard
As quoted in I, Robot; "Susan said nothing at that seminar; took no part in the hectic discussion period that followed. She was a frosty girl, plain and colorless, who protected herself against a world she disliked by a mask-like expression and a hypertrophy of intellect. But as she watched and listened, she felt the stirrings of a cold enthusiasm".
#IsaacAsimov #iRobot #Prompt #character
After 5 or 6 years since my first (and only) reading of Asimov’s “Foundation’s Edge” and “Foundation and Earth”, finally I could read them again, this time in their original language (last time I read them in Spanish). I must say that not only I enjoyed them again, I enjoyed them more. Now, I’m pondering if I should reread the prequels (“Prelude to Foundation” and “Forward the Foundation”) right away or if I should read some other book beforehand, as a sort of “buffer”.
Check out Isaac Asimov's I, Robot and you'll see this was completely predictable.
#sydney #bing #chatgpt #IsaacAsimov
ARTE-Doku: Isaac Asimov – Geschichten aus der Zukunft https://leanderwattig.com/dokuliebe/dokus/2023/isaac-asimov-geschichten-aus-der-zukunft/ #WasmitBüchern-Bloglink #MathiasThéry #IsaacAsimov #Doku-Liebe #ARTE
#wasmitbuchern #mathiasthery #IsaacAsimov #doku #arte
RT @dokuliebe@twitter.com
Isaac Asimov im Doku-Portrait.
»#IsaacAsimov war ein amerikanischer Schriftsteller u Biochemiker. 50 Jahre später erweisen sich seine Ideen als erstaunlich zutreffend. Wer war der visionäre Autor?«
#dokuliebe #doku #sciencefiction @ARTEde@twitter.com @wasmitbuechern@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dokuliebe/status/1616090381652791297
#IsaacAsimov #dokuliebe #doku #sciencefiction
Mache doch eine Roman Form daraus ala #IsaacAsimov
Z.B. New Guide to Science
Oder das Biobuch wie er in Romanform beschreibt wie verschiedene Gifte im Körper wirken und der Körper stirbt.
Leider habe ich den Buchtitel gerade nicht parat.
Repost of my review of #IsaacAsimov's #sf classic Foundation (1951) for #VintageSciFiMonth. @VintageSciFi_@twitter.com #bookstodon
#bookstodon #vintagescifimonth #sf #IsaacAsimov
#IsaacAsimov - '#VisionsForTheFuture' (1992)
#Asimov #Prediction #Predictions #Future #TheFuture #FutureSociety #Futorology #Technology #FutureTechnology #Science #Physics #Humanity #HumanRace #HumanSpecies #ScienceFiction #Writing #Robotics #Robots #PsychoHistory
#psychohistory #robots #robotics #writing #sciencefiction #humanspecies #humanrace #humanity #physics #science #futuretechnology #technology #futorology #futuresociety #thefuture #future #predictions #prediction #asimov #visionsforthefuture #IsaacAsimov
Isaac Asimov was born on this day (2nd January) in 1920,
"I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die."
#bookstadon my top ten favourite authors, (right now, cause it does vary!) in no order. #janeausten #ElizabethMoon #DianaWynneJones #davidweber #RobertAHeinlein #IsaacAsimov #CJCherryh #GeorgetteHeyer #LoisMcMasterBujold #iainmbanks currently enjoying #SHJucha Silver Ships series, if you like #SpaceOpera I highly recommend!
#spaceopera #shjucha #iainmbanks #loismcmasterbujold #GeorgetteHeyer #cjcherryh #IsaacAsimov #robertaheinlein #davidweber #dianawynnejones #elizabethmoon #janeausten #bookstadon
It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly." - Isaac Asimov
#IsaacAsimov #life #quotesoftheday #mogulgrind
#mogulgrind #quotesoftheday #Life #IsaacAsimov
I rather liked #IsaacAsimov's #Foundation series. I was also pleased to find a song called "Asimov's Sideburns" by Ampacity. The only decent #song they've written, as far as I am concerned.
#Song #foundation #IsaacAsimov
Who are 7 of your favourite authors? Add them as hashtags boost Add hashtag #Bookstodon
#JRRTolkien #ArthurCClarke #IsaacAsimov #TerryPratchet #CharlesDickens #LewisCarroll #JamesJoyce
Many more. But they asked for 7
#JamesJoyce #lewiscarroll #charlesdickens #terrypratchet #IsaacAsimov #arthurcclarke #JRRTolkien #bookstodon
Who are 7 of your favourite authors? Add them as hashtags boost Add hashtag #Bookstodon
#JRRTolkien #ArthurCClarke #IsaacAsimov #TerryPratchet #CharlesDickens #LewisCarroll #JamesJoyce
Many more. But they asked for 7
#JamesJoyce #lewiscarroll #charlesdickens #terrypratchet #IsaacAsimov #arthurcclarke #JRRTolkien #bookstodon