- And here's the list of my ten favourite actresses, and if you haven't seen the film Eighth Grade and Elsie Fisher well that's naturalistic acting at it's finest.
• Sally Hawkins
• Carey Mulligan
• Saoirse Ronan
• Emily Blunt
• Kate Winslet
• Elle Fanning
• Elsie Fisher
• Jessica Barden
• Isis Hainsworth
• Audrey Hepburn
#sallyhawkins #CareyMulligan #SaoirseRonan #Emilyblunt #KateWinslet #ElleFanning #ElsieFisher #JessicaBarden #IsisHainsworth #audreyhepburn
Lena Dunham Joined by Joe Alwyn & Bella Ramsey at 'Catherine Called Birdy' Premiere at TIFF #12Settembre #2022TorontoFilmFestival #AndrewScott #ArchieRenaux #BellaRamsey #IsisHainsworth #JoeAlwyn #LenaDunham #LuisFelber https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanVzdGphcmVkLmNvbS8yMDIyLzA5LzExL2xlbmEtZHVuaGFtLWpvaW5lZC1ieS1qb2UtYWx3eW4tYmVsbGEtcmFtc2V5LWF0LWNhdGhlcmluZS1jYWxsZWQtYmlyZHktcHJlbWllcmUtYXQtdGlmZi8=.html
#LuisFelber #LenaDunham #JoeAlwyn #IsisHainsworth #bellaramsey #ArchieRenaux #andrewscott #2022TorontoFilmFestival #12Settembre