"Islander Activisms and Resistances: Any Role for Resiliences and Vulnerabilities?"
Free to download from the "Okinawan Journal of Island Studies".
#IslandStudies #islands #islands #vulnerability #resilience #resistance #activism #PhotoEssay
#IslandStudies #islands #vulnerability #resilience #resistance #activism #photoessay
RT @IlanKelman
"Climate Change and Pacific Islander Life"
#IslandStudies #PacificIslands #Climate #ClimateChange #Pacific #IslandLife #island #islands #islanders #ClimateTwitter #EMGTwitter
#IslandStudies #pacificislands #climate #climatechange #pacific #islandlife #island #islands #islanders #climatetwitter #emgtwitter
"Climate Change and Pacific Islander Life"
#IslandStudies #PacificIslands #Climate #ClimateChange #Pacific #IslandLife #island #islands #islanders
#IslandStudies #Pacificislands #climate #ClimateChange #pacific #islandlife #island #islands #islanders
"A #Caribbean island's quest to become the world's first #climate-resilient nation" #Dominica
By Jose Alison Kentish.
#IslandStudies #DRR #SmallIslands #hurricanes #hurricaneseason #resilience #resiliency
#caribbean #climate #dominica #IslandStudies #DRR #smallislands #hurricanes #hurricaneseason #resilience #resiliency
RT @Gouviles
!!changement d'horaire!! séminaire @Gouviles 05/04/23 13h30-15h30! On parle îles, pêche & ressources naturelles ac l'anthropologue Ambra Zambernardi @unito & l'historien Daniel Faget @telemme #Islandstudies #Envhist @ef_rome https://gouviles.hypotheses.org/745
RT @Gouviles
Prochaine séance du séminaire @Gouviles mercredi 5 avril 16h! On parle îles, pêche & ressources naturelles ac l'anthropologue Ambra Zambernardi @unito & l'historien Daniel Faget @telemme #Islandstudies #Envhist @ef_rome @UTJeanJaures @Framespa5136
RT @Gouviles
Ce vendredi 10/03 16h-18h, nous recevons Hayri Özkoray @telemme et Elisabetta Borromeo @CETOBaC_lab pour parler de transinsularités ottomanes #OttomanHistory #IslandStudies . A suivre sur place @UTJeanJaures @Framespa5136 ou en ligne sur Zoom https://gouviles.hypotheses.org/745
#ottomanhistory #IslandStudies
RT @IlanKelman@twitter.com
"Inclusive engagement for #environmental #sustainability in small #IslandStates".
Thanks to @islandpolicylab@twitter.com!
#islandstudies #inclusivity #smallislands #sustainable #ConspicuousSustainability #Islandness #SustainableDevelopment #LocalKnowledge #islands
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IlanKelman/status/1616369759896870912
#environmental #sustainability #islandstates #IslandStudies #inclusivity #smallislands #sustainable #conspicuoussustainability #islandness #sustainabledevelopment #LocalKnowledge #islands
RT @IlanKelman
"Inclusive engagement for #environmental #sustainability in small #IslandStates".
Thanks to @islandpolicylab!
#islandstudies #inclusivity #smallislands #sustainable #ConspicuousSustainability #Islandness #SustainableDevelopment #LocalKnowledge #islands
#environmental #sustainability #islandstates #IslandStudies #inclusivity #smallislands #sustainable #conspicuoussustainability #islandness #sustainabledevelopment #LocalKnowledge #islands
"Inclusive engagement for #environmental #sustainability in small island states".
With deepest appreciation to Kalim U. Shah, Ph.D. for inspiration and support.
#islands #islands #islandstudies #livelihoods #inclusivity #smallislands #islandstates #sustainable #participation #participatoryprocesses #development #participatorydevelopment #ConspicuousSustainability #Islandness #SustainableDevelopment #LocalKnowledge
#environmental #sustainability #islands #IslandStudies #livelihoods #inclusivity #smallislands #islandstates #sustainable #participation #participatoryprocesses #development #participatorydevelopment #conspicuoussustainability #islandness #sustainabledevelopment #LocalKnowledge
Island Perceptions. Third Meeting of the DFG #islandstudies Network: http://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-132862
RT @IlanKelman
Just published:
"Between tinkering and #transformation: A contemporary appraisal of #ClimateChange #adaptation research on the world's #islands"
Led by Jan Petzold.
#CCA #ClimateChangeAdaptation #IslandStudies #island #climate #ClimateTwitter
#transformation #climatechange #adaptation #islands #cca #ClimateChangeAdaptation #IslandStudies #island #climate #climatetwitter
Just published:
"Between tinkering and #transformation: A contemporary appraisal of #ClimateChange #adaptation research on the world's #islands"
Led by Jan Petzold.
#CCA #ClimateChangeAdaptation #IslandStudies #island #climate
#transformation #ClimateChange #adaptation #islands #cca #climatechangeadaptation #IslandStudies #island #climate
Islandness of the Mind
#IslandStudies #islandness #island #islands #islander #islanders #IslandLife
#IslandStudies #islandness #island #islands #islander #islanders #islandlife
What will happen to low-lying #islands under #ClimateChange? As expected, the answer is complicated, with some of our science:
(1) https://doi.org/10.24043/isj.52
(2) https://doi.org/10.24043/isj.120
(3) http://www.disasterdiplomacy.org/kelman2006cce.pdf
(4) https://doi.org/10.1002/2014EF000278
(5) https://doi.org/10.1504/IJGW.2015.073056
One conclusion is to be wary of assumptions of disappearance that were prevalent at #COP27 #COP27Egypt since many nuances and provisos exist. #IslandStudies
#islands #ClimateChange #cop27 #COP27Egypt #IslandStudies
If useful for #COP27 #COP27Egypt, some papers on the #Pacific and #ClimateChange #Climate #ENSO #ElNino #LaNina #CCA #DRR:
1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-017-0045-3
2. https://ajem.infoservices.com.au/items/AJEM-32-01-04
3. http://japanfocus.org/-Ilan-Kelman/4406/article.html
4. https://doi.org/10.4102/jamba.v8i1.288
5. https://doi.org/10.1353/cp.2021.0039
#IslandStudies #PacificIslands
#Pacificislands #IslandStudies #DRR #cca #lanina #elnino #enso #climate #ClimateChange #pacific #COP27Egypt #cop27
@bramvanleuveren I will be in Leiden soonish to talk to #islandstudies people, but I that doesn't mean there's no room for #diplomacy.
First post here to introduce myself. I am an early modern #historian in Maastricht and specialise in #geohumanities and #islandstudies. I am looking forward to making contact with other researchers in my areas of interest. I am currently co-coordinating the #DigiKAR project and have just published our recent teaching project on clerical mobility in early modern Mainz. https://ieg-dhr.github.io/DigiKAR_Projektseminar/
#historian #geohumanities #IslandStudies #DigiKAR