Danke für diese wichtige Positionierung, liebe BAG @GrueneSportpoli
Wir müssen die Ukraine 🇺🇦 unterstützen und uns auf die richtige Seite der Geschichte stellen.
#IsolateRussia #StopRussiaNOW
RT @GrueneSportpoli: Olympia-Teilnahme von russischen und belarussischen Athlet*innen 2024 ist inakzeptabel! #olympia2024
Zu unserer Stellungnahme:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1626202413467066368
#Paris2024 #IsolateRussia #StopRussiaNow #olympia2024
Defence of Ukraine
Ukraine government organization
LEROY MERLIN became the first company in the world to finance the bombing of its own stores and killing its own employees.
Inhumane, harrowing greed.
#IsolateRussia #StopRussianTerrorism
-> Boycott Leroy-Merlin
#StopRussianTerrorism #IsolateRussia
RT @DefenceU@twitter.com
LEROY MERLIN became the first company in the world to finance the bombing of its own stores and killing its own employees.
Inhumane, harrowing greed.
#StopRussianTerrorism #IsolateRussia
According to the latest polls (March 5, 2022) by Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 71% of Russians SUPPORT the invasion in Ukraine.
Western companies, that are still trying to find pretexts for not leaving Russian market - think again. Man up and think not about your profits for once, but about people who are dying in Ukraine right now.
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #IsolateRussia #boycottRussia
US journalist talked to common Russians and here is what he found out about their views. Putin is not merely a single person to blame - this is collective warmongering mindset. Russia needs to be fully isolated and cut off from democratic world. Any business conducted in and with Russia as of this moment falls under "blood money" definition.
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #IsolateRussia #boycottRussia