RT @newsgercek
🔵Former police chief says it is early to blame PKK for #Istiklal bombing
RT @YPJ_volunteers@twitter.com
#Ecrin Meydan killed by her own state is another tragic story written by fascism which is now used to spread more dread & violence.
The role of women in history is too often used as reason for war & crime that which at the end she is the one that suffers most.
#Turkey #Istiklal
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YPJ_volunteers/status/1595038327778017282
Horrible news from Istanbul #Istiklal.
Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey, and the families of the victims of this afternoon’s attack. I wish those injured a swift recovery.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JosepBorrellF/status/1591847311248064513
#istiklal deki patlamadan sonra can havliyle kaçışan insanları gördünüz, değil mi? Ben de kaçardım
Eminim %90 ı en az bir kere savaştan kaçan mültecilere "defolup gidin ülkenizde savaşın " , "burada savaş çıksa ben savaşırım,biz onurlu milletiz....vs." deyip edebiyat yapmıştır.
RT @vanessahlarson
In Turkey, "demand for VPN services immediately increased by 853% compared the daily average over the previous 30 days" when authorities blocked social media on Sunday after deadly #istiklal bombing, @top10vpn reports:
RT @mikelayestaran: La vida ha vuelto a una #istiklal reconvertida en un largo pasillo de banderas de #Turquia tras el atentado.
#Ankara acusa al PKK, los kurdos dicen que ellos no han sido
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaValenciano/status/1592430971869331456
Allah'ım, nasıl bir memleket olduk...
Biri Bursa'da deniz otobüsü kaçırdığı için asılsız bomba ihbarı yapar, öteki Eskişehir'de sırf dikkat çekmek için sosyal medyada bomba patlayacağına dair provokatif paylaşımlar yapar...
#taksim #Istiklal #istanbul #Bursa #eskişehir #ankara
RT @AlmanyaBE@twitter.com
Um 16:20 Uhr hat sich eine Explosion auf der #Istiklal Straße in #Istanbul ereignet. Meiden Sie den Stadtbezirk Taksim sowie große Menschenansammlungen weiträumig. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen der lokalen Behörden. Lassen Sie allgemeine Vorsicht walten.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlmanyaBE/status/1591816459994685440
RT @BreakingNLive_@twitter.com
BREAKING: At least 4 dead following explosion in central #Istanbul, Turkey. Looks like it was a bomb explosion.
#taksim #istiklal #bomba
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive_/status/1591789291403112448
#istanbul #Taksim #Istiklal #bomba
RT @AuskarSurbakti@twitter.com
BREAKING: Several people have been killed and injured after an explosion rocked #Istanbul's busy pedestrian thoroughfare, #Istiklal Street, in the central #Taksim area #IstiklalCaddesi #patlama #İstanbul #Turkey #Turkiye https://t.co/Dj50k4PNxs
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AuskarSurbakti/status/1591802612520833026
#istanbul #Istiklal #Taksim #IstiklalCaddesi #patlama #turkey #Turkiye
RT @GonulEglence: Die schlimmen Nachrichtenaus #Istanbul sind erschütternd. Der #Taksim Platz und die #istiklal sind der Ort zum Flanieren. Nun gibt es tTte und zahlreiche Verletze. Egal wer & warum: der Tod von Unschuldigen ist nicht zu rechtfertigen.
Mein Mitgefühl den Hinterbliebenen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/henrikehahn/status/1592106513497468928
RT @JosepBorrellF: Horrible news from Istanbul #Istiklal.
Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey, and the families of the victims of this afternoon’s attack. I wish those injured a swift recovery.
RT @OliverVarhelyi: We are in our thoughts with the Turkish people during this difficult time after the explosion on the pedestrian street of #Istiklal #Istanbul.
My sincerest condolences for those who lost their beloved ones.
Wishing fast recovery for the wounded.
RT @GonulEglence: Die schlimmen Nachrichtenaus #Istanbul sind erschütternd. Der #Taksim Platz und die #istiklal sind der Ort zum Flanieren. Nun gibt es tTte und zahlreiche Verletze. Egal wer & warum: der Tod von Unschuldigen ist nicht zu rechtfertigen.
Mein Mitgefühl den Hinterbliebenen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1592106126455492611
RT @YPJ_volunteers
#Turkey is accusing the #PYD for the attack in #istiklal, #Istanbul.
Don't believe Turkish war propaganda! #Erdogan wants to use this massacre to shed even more blood and disunite the people.
#StopTurkishWarCrimes #erdogan #istanbul #Istiklal #pyd #turkey
RT @YPJ_volunteers
#Turkey is accusing the #PYD for the attack in #istiklal, #Istanbul.
Don't believe Turkish war propaganda! #Erdogan wants to use this massacre to shed even more blood and disunite the people.
#pyd #Istiklal #istanbul #erdogan #StopTurkishWarCrimes #turkey
🇩🇰 stands by our ally 🇹🇷 in the face of the attack on #Istiklal Caddesi in #Istanbul. I extend my sincere condolences and thoughts to the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives today and wish a rapid recovery to the injured. Denmark condemns all acts of terror!
RT @YPJ_volunteers@twitter.com
#Turkey is accusing the #PYD for the attack in #istiklal, #Istanbul.
Don't believe Turkish war propaganda! #Erdogan wants to use this massacre to shed even more blood and disunite the people.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YPJ_volunteers/status/1592032878627819520
#stopturkishwarcrimes #erdogan #istanbul #Istiklal #pyd #turkey