1. ITALIA 90 - competition
2. DOCTOR MIX & THE REMIX - no fun
3. VOLT! - alles neu
4. RITES OF SPRING - by design
5. BLESSURE - ca suffit
6. LA CHASSE - meretix
7. P.I.L. - car chase
8. BAUHAUS - st. vitus. dance
9. ONYON - Kanal
10. MALARIA! - Zarah
11. PLASTOBETON - securitas
#bauhaus #bigri #blessure #doctormixtheremix #Italia90 #LaChasse #malaria #onyon #plastobeton #publicimagelimited #ritesofspring #volt
1. ITALIA 90 - harmony
2. NICHTS - Tango 2000
3. HEIMAT - dein Architekt
4. EX WHITE - conspiracy theory
5. DR. URBAN - tic tac
6. PLASTOBÉTON - securitas
8. VENTRE DE BICHE - la vie est un long fleuve de merde
#betamaximo #dr #edithnylon #einsturzendeneubauten #exwhite #heimat #Italia90 #komplikations #mikanmukku #nichts #oiboys #plastobeton #ventredebiche #warumjoe
Nel 2029 a #Roma avremo la #circleline ferroviaria che dovevano fare per #Italia90
#crediamocitantissimo #chetenerezza
#roma #circleline #Italia90 #crediamocitantissimo #chetenerezza
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #SteveLamacq
Italia 90:
🎵 Harmony
#nowplaying #bbc6music #SteveLamacq #Italia90
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Italia 90:
🎵 Tales From Beyond
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #Italia90
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #FutureArtists with #JackSaunders
Italia 90:
🎵 Harmony
#nowplaying #futureartists #jacksaunders #bbcr1 #Italia90
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Italia 90:
🎵 Does He Dream?
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #Italia90
1. MITCH, PLEASE - rich mitch
2. FUGAZI - target
3. EXWHITE - conspiracy
4. LA CHASSE - boue
5. YORCHH - jardin de sal
6. AGENT ORANGE - too young to die
7. GORGOJO - aet
8. YUKO YUKO - i´m too cool
9. SUCCHIAMO - resta con me
10. CIRCLE JERKS - under the gun
#agentorange #balans #circlejerks #exwhite #fall #fugazi #gorgojo #huskerdu #Italia90 #kenjatime #LaChasse #mitchplease #stiphnoyds #succhiamo #yorchh #yukoyuko
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #NewMusicFix
Italia 90:
🎵 Harmony
#nowplaying #bbc6music #NewMusicFix #Italia90
bandcamping '23 playlist with bndcmpr https://bndcmpr.co/a3c28430
#RokiaKoné #Italia90 #Algiers #SunnyWar #MontparnasseMusique #MarxistLoveDiscoEnsemble #unprocedure #shame #dumb #CuffedUp #Alvvays #societeetrange
#NewMusic2023 #MastoRadio #FediRadio #Bandcamp #Music #WeAreTheRadio #NowPlaying #MusicOfTheDay
#musicoftheday #NowPlaying #wearetheradio #Music #BandCamp #fediradio #MastoRadio #newmusic2023 #societeetrange #alvvays #cuffedup #dumb #shame #unprocedure #marxistlovediscoensemble #montparnassemusique #sunnywar #algiers #Italia90 #rokiakone
1. HEKÀTÉ - cul - de- sac
2. ITALIA 90 - tales from beyond
3. NOVEDADES CARMINHA - soy muy mala
4. SEGGS TAPE - moko
5. ESPLENDOR GEOMETRICO - moscú está helado
6. SELF IMPROVEMENT - fear & power
7. PALAIS SCHAUMBURG - morgen wir
#dermoderneman #einsturzendeneubauten #esplendorgeometrico #femmaggots #hekate #Italia90 #laurieanderson #novedadescarminha #palaisschaumburg #ratanegra #seggstape #selfimprovement #uvb76 #witchpiss
1st #NewMusic of 2023 #MastoRadio #FediRadio #Vinyl #FLAC #Bandcamp #Music #WeAreTheRadio #NowPlaying #MusicOfTheDay #Italia90 https://italia-90.bandcamp.com/album/living-human-treasure Video https://youtu.be/Qu6WvPzhbFw
#Italia90 #musicoftheday #NowPlaying #wearetheradio #Music #BandCamp #FLAC #vinyl #fediradio #MastoRadio #newmusic
Anticipa....tion #NewReleases what's on your #waitlist for #2023 ?
#AlgiersTheBand Album https://algierstheband.bandcamp.com/album/shook
Single https://algierstheband.bandcamp.com/track/irreversible-damage
Video https://youtu.be/sfkWWzQPNrs
#Italia90 Album https://italia-90.bandcamp.com/album/living-human-treasure
Single https://italia-90.bandcamp.com/track/leisure-activities
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7GINczMi7Y
#ShameBandUK Album https://shamebanduk.bandcamp.com/album/food-for-worms
Single https://shamebanduk.bandcamp.com/track/fingers-of-steel
Video https://youtu.be/ULLsuL0y-Fk
#newmusic #NowPlaying #soundofaninstance #shamebanduk #Italia90 #algierstheband #waitlist #newreleases
Anticipa....tion #NewReleases what's on your #waitlist for #2023 ?
#ShameBandUK Album https://shamebanduk.bandcamp.com/album/food-for-worms
Single https://shamebanduk.bandcamp.com/track/fingers-of-steel
Video https://youtu.be/ULLsuL0y-Fk
#AlgiersTheBand Album https://algierstheband.bandcamp.com/album/shook
Single https://algierstheband.bandcamp.com/track/irreversible-damage
Video https://youtu.be/sfkWWzQPNrs
#Italia90 Album https://italia-90.bandcamp.com/album/living-human-treasure
Single https://italia-90.bandcamp.com/track/leisure-activities
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7GINczMi7Y
#newmusic #NowPlaying #soundofaninstance #Italia90 #algierstheband #shamebanduk #waitlist #newreleases
He would win 62 caps for England scoring 6 goals, famously sporting a mullet during #italia90, shockingly he won his last cap in 1991 he went on to win football writers player of the year in 1993.
There was an aborted attempt by Keegan to bring him back to #nufc in 1995 as cover for Ginola.
My next purchase from #bandcamp will be my 100th, and the #wishlist is loaded with art, decisions, decisions... #SoftKill #BluesLawyer #AdrianQuesada #TheBobbyLees #ShilpaRay #CarolineRose #RokiaKone #MarxistLoveDiscoEnsemble #Italia90 #Shame #nowplaying #music
#Music #NowPlaying #shame #Italia90 #marxistlovediscoensemble #rokiakone #carolinerose #shilparay #thebobbylees #adrianquesada #blueslawyer #softkill #wishlist #BandCamp
Careca, Alemao e Diego
RT @80s90sfootball@twitter.com
The 2nd round starts today
Here's a flashback to a classic 2nd round match at #Italia90
Brazil v Argentina
Brazil battered Argentina but a Claudio Caniggia goal was the difference in this one
🎙from the wonderful Barry Davies
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/80s90sfootball/status/1598968362972827648
Watching the Sky Italia 90 doc and I have tragically become obsessed with Schillacis hair . I need help #italia90 #football #worldcup #notthatone
#Italia90 #football #worldcup #notthatone
Watching the Sky Italia 90 doc and I have tragically become obsessed with Schillacis hair . I need help #italia90 #football #worldcup #notthatone
#Italia90 #football #worldcup #notthatone