I periodically have to remind myself of this from #ItaloCalvino and his #InvisibleCities.
#ItaloCalvino #invisiblecities
“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.” ~ Italo Calvino
#istanbul #InvisibleCities #ItaloCalvino
I do remember where I bought the book; but it was at the University's bookstore, which carried books in foreign languages as well as English translations. So that does not help...
“Memory's images, once they are fixed in words, are erased," Polo said. "Perhaps I am afraid of losing Venice all at once, if I speak of it, or perhaps, speaking of other cities, I have already lost it, little by little.”
~ Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
#forgetting #memory #ItaloCalvino #venezia #venice
“Memory's images, once they are fixed in words, are erased," Polo said. "Perhaps I am afraid of losing Venice all at once, if I speak of it, or perhaps, speaking of other cities, I have already lost it, little by little.”
~ Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
#memory #ItaloCalvino #venezia #venice
Useless quote for 24 Mar:
"Love is a great explanation of life, it gives you the illusion of being close to understanding the reason for your existence in the middle of the universe."
~ Italo Calvino (1943)
Doing the #bookstodon 7 books to know me thing:
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables
#AnneCarson / #Sappho, If Not, Winter
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#RodrigoFresán, The Invented/Dreamed/Remembered Part trilogy
#JennyHval, Girls Against God
#bookstodon #lucymaudmontgomery #AnneCarson #Sappho #marciadouglas #hermannhesse #ItaloCalvino #rodrigofresan #jennyhval
Esto es una virguería y una preciosidad 🖤🖤
This is soooooo beautiful.
#books #literature #literatura #ItaloCalvino #palomar
Doing the #bookstodon 7 books to know me thing:
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables
#AnneCarson / #Sappho, If Not, Winter
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#RodrigoFresán, The Invented/Dreamed/Remembered Part trilogy
#JennyHval, Girls Against God
#jennyhval #rodrigofresan #ItaloCalvino #hermannhesse #marciadouglas #sappho #AnneCarson #lucymaudmontgomery #bookstodon
RT @vmspod@twitter.com
New episode! @DawnRaffel@twitter.com rejoins the show to celebrate her amazing new book, BOUNDLESS AS THE SKY (@saggingmeniscus@twitter.com)! We talk #writing #ItaloCalvino #YogaNidra the Century of Progress World's Fair, the joy of a finely-wrought sentence & more, so go listen! http://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-523-dawn-raffel
#writing #ItaloCalvino #yoganidra
The dimension of time has been shattered; we cannot love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes off along its own trajectory and immediately disappears.
Italo Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
The Written World and the Unwritten World by Italo Calvino review – exquisite flights of imagination https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jan/10/the-written-world-and-the-unwritten-world-by-italo-calvino-review-exquisite-flights-of-imagination #literature #imagination #italocalvino
#literature #imagination #ItaloCalvino
Tältä vuodelta odotan Ville Keynäsin #GeorgePerec-käännöstä. Kuinka Disparitionin #lipogrammi "e" kääntyy #Häviäminen-nimiseksi romaaniksi, josta puuttuu kokonaan suomen kielen yleisin kirjain: a. Perec ja #ItaloCalvino ovat muutenkin suosittelulistallani jokaiselle, jota kiinnostaa #Oulipo. #KirjaMastodon
#georgeperec #lipogrammi #haviaminen #ItaloCalvino #oulipo #kirjamastodon
Excellent find in Bedford Oxfam Bookshop this weekend. If on a winter’s night a traveller has been recommended a couple of times now by one of the tutors on my #MAcreativeWriting. Have you read any ItaloCalvino? #ItaloCalvino #IfOnAWintersNightATraveller #CharityBooks #CharityShopFinds #shelfie #BooksBooksBooks
#booksbooksbooks #shelfie #charityshopfinds #charitybooks #ifonawintersnightatraveller #ItaloCalvino #macreativewriting
Excellent find in Bedford @OxfamGB Bookshop this weekend. If on a winter’s night a traveller has been recommended a couple of times now by one of the tutors on my #MAcreativeWriting.
Have you read any ItaloCalvino?
#ItaloCalvino #IfOnAWintersNightATraveler #CharityBooks #CharityShopFinds #shelfie #BooksBooksBooks @bookstodon@a.gup.pe.pe #bookstodon
#bookstodon #booksbooksbooks #shelfie #charityshopfinds #charitybooks #IfOnAWintersNightATraveler #ItaloCalvino #macreativewriting
Hi #writers ! Bummed out by the latest #IA #writing developments? Well, let me cheer you up with my pal #ItaloCalvino who already had a hot take on this issue back in 1967. 🧵
#ItaloCalvino #writing #ia #writers
#7books to get to know me, I guess most people are doing novels. Apparently this is the new thing, let’s get started:
#INostriAntenati by #ItaloCalvino (aka The Cloven Viscount, The Invisible Knight, and the Baron in the Trees).
#OneHundredYearsofSolitude by #GabrielGarciaMarquez
#TheMinistryForTheFuture by #KimStanleyRobinson
#TheOverstory by #RichardLPowers
#Foucaults Pendulum by #UmbertoEco
#Piranesi by #SusannaClarke
#TheHandmaidsTale by #MargaretAtwood
#margaretatwood #thehandmaidstale #SusannaClarke #Piranesi #umbertoeco #foucaults #richardlpowers #TheOverstory #kimstanleyrobinson #theministryforthefuture #GabrielGarciaMarquez #onehundredyearsofsolitude #ItaloCalvino #inostriantenati #7books
“ So here I am walking along this empty surface that is the world. There is a wind grazing the ground, dragging with flurries of fine snow the last residue of the vanished world..... was it a few seconds ago that everything ceased to exist, or many centuries? I’ve already lost any sense of time. ”
#ItaloCalvino #ifonawintersnightatraveller
Oh people are doing favourite authors! Probably forgetting loads, but here’s a few core ones: #UrsulaKLeGuin #OctaviaEButler #AnnQuin #ItaloCalvino #JeanetteWinterson (I know) #MargaretAtwood and early #SalmanRushdie
#ursulakleguin #OctaviaEButler #AnnQuin #ItaloCalvino #JeanetteWinterson #margaretatwood #salmanrushdie