♻️ Master the art of efficient looping! Join Pratibha Jagnere in the talk "Itertools – iterators for efficient looping" and level up your Python skills. 🚀🔁 Don't miss it: https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/74/
#Python #Itertools #PyConCZ23
♻️ Master the art of efficient looping! Join Pratibha Jagnere in the talk "Itertools – iterators for efficient looping" and level up your Python skills. 🚀🔁 Don't miss it: https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/74/
#Python #Itertools #PyConCZ23
I need to play with sketches in notebooks again. My first couple in Py5 were in notebooks, and then I just stopped because, and I don't remember why
#py5 #jupyterlab #python #creativecoding #Itertools
O meu curso com #Python #py5 #itertools no #homeostasislab vai ser amanhã, quarta-feira 9/11, 19h, horário de Brasília, inscreva-se em https://homeostasislab.org/cursos/info/131 :D
#python #py5 #Itertools #homeostasislab
RT @codehill@twitter.com