Ich habe jetzt Lust, die #PetShopBoys zu hören.
Pet Shop Boys
(Official Video)
"Mein Sohn ist ein normaler Mensch, keiner von diesen schmutzigen unanständigen Schwilen." Puh #itsasin
Trotz der ganzen Jahre in der schwullesbischen Jugendarbeit erteilt #itsasin weiter Nachhilfe in Sachen HIV/AIDS
Musical Interlude......
#MusicalInterlude #PetShopBoys #ItsASin #Actually #NeilTennant #ChrisLowe #Electronica #PopMusic #SynthPop #DanceMusic #Music #YouTube #CrankTheVolumeUp #ShakeYourBahootie
#musicalinterlude #petshopboys #ItsASin #actually #NeilTennant #chrislowe #electronica #popmusic #synthpop #dancemusic #music #youtube #crankthevolumeup #shakeyourbahootie
Test, take PrEP (available for free on the NHS), use protection, don’t discriminate against those who are #HIV positive & know that an HIV positive status is no longer necessarily a death sentence - early detection & treatment will also make sure those who are HIV positive cannot pass it on!
If all you know about HIV & #AIDS is from #ItsASin do make sure you also learn about medical advances & modern understandings of the HIV & AIDS virus since 1991. 🎗️ #WorldAidsDay #WorldHIVDay
#worldhivday #worldaidsday #ItsASin #aids #hiv
In the 1980s and 90s homophobia combined with a virus to kill people like me and my friends.
Here’s something I wrote about growing up gay at that time.
#WorldAIDSDay #AIDS #HIV #WorldAIDSDay2022 #ItsASin
#ItsASin #worldaidsday2022 #hiv #Aids #WorldAIDSDay
I'm sorry, @nathancurtis90@twitter.com is that adorable AND he can bake? #GBBOHolidays #ItsASin
Finished watching #ItsASin and oh, ow. I was prepared... But I was not prepared. An absolutely perfect show, and one that held my heart in its hands and then crushed it.
#petshopboys #ItsASin #NeilTennant #Music #musique #musik #musica
@Misskeeleyhawes not even getting a Best Supporting Actress nomination for #ItsASin is absolutely scandalous.
0 und O, Verkaufszahlen und ein passendes Opfer oder die Mär vom Patient 0. #ItsASin
RT @HClaytonWright@twitter.com
Gaëtan Dugas (1952-1984) was a flight attendant from Quebec City who had helped researchers in a study of cases in California. Interviewed in New York, Dugas was incredibly cooperative in providing researchers with vast amounts of personal information.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HClaytonWright/status/1355262537265246213