RT @renato_mariotti@twitter.com
We’re joining forces to launch a new podcast called #ItsComplicated! Because today’s news can’t be boiled down to a tweet or sound bite.
Our new podcast will explore legal issues just like Renato’s prior podcast, #OnTopic, and much more!
Subscribe where you get your podcasts!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/renato_mariotti/status/1591547575630499842
RT @BarendLeyts: Energy conclusions at #EUCO
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1583350811941163008
@strawberryfieldsforever @urusan
Sure. That's real life. That's why categories can sometimes be confusing or feel unfair. There should always be a #DoesNotApply or an #ItsComplicated category. 🙃
Q: Are you Chinese?
A: Depends. What exactly do you have in mind when you say Chinese?
Q: Where do you live?
A: Um... You mean where I've been going home the past few months or do you mean where I'll go home after a few months?