The Bend of Whorra.
Korra died unexpectedly.
4 hours slave stream commission for Anon, contact me if interested!
#thelegendofkorra #korra #hyper #dickgirl #grotesque #parasite #horsecok #futa #commission #dickgirl #grimdark #guro #gore #disintegrating #ivermectin #crossove #dewormer
#thelegendofkorra #korra #hyper #dickgirl #grotesque #parasite #horsecok #futa #commission #grimdark #guro #gore #disintegrating #Ivermectin #crossove #dewormer
#ServusTV, Preisträger des Goldenen Aluhuts 2022 in der Kategorie "Medien & Blogs", geht 2024 vom linearen Netz. Massive Einbrüche des #Ivermectin-Absatzes sind zu erwarten, die Zielgruppe ist empört, das Narrativ steht. Ob der Sendebetrieb in Zukunft über ein eigens aufgestelltes #Orgonit-Netzwerk aufrecht erhalten wird? Aber eins ist sicher: die medialen Heldentaten (hust) des „Heimatsender des österreichischen #Rechtspopulismus“ (SZ) bleiben unvergessen.
Zum Abschied sag ich leise Servus. 👋
#ServusTV #Ivermectin #orgonit #Rechtspopulismus
Dr. Edward Leyton: Just how bad are the Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians?
This is another must watch.
#Covidmeasures #ExposingLeftism #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #ExposingLeftism #Covidmeasures
Dr. Daniel Nagase testimony at NCI May 19th: He names names and details the new nature of medicine as it now is in Canada
At this point the key takeaway from a great deal of events being reported certainly in 2023, but arguably much much longer, is that a com
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures
Veteran CBC Journalist explains how Canadian media went from news to anti-independent-thought propaganda
We posted this video a few days ago as part of a multi-item Daily Links post. Going over the material again, it's important enough put out there once more in case a
#CBC #Censorship #Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures #Censorship #CBC
@BlumeEvolution #Ivermectin ist auch ein Wissenschaftskrimi. Denn gefälschte Studiendaten trugen dazu bei, dass Verschwörungsideologien Futter bekamen. Vllt hilft das Wissen darum, dass betrogen wurde, einigen dabei, sich davon wieder zu lösen?
Interessant auch: Diese Erfahrungen sind in Konzepte geflossen, die den Betrug in Zukunft verhindern sollen
Sucharit Bhakdi receiving a heroes welcome in his hometown🔥🔥😎💪 #Zelensky #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #SVB #FederalReserve #CDC #Treason #Vaccine #PfizerExposed #Ivermectin #truth #Ukraine #Russian #COVID #ElectionResults #SCAM #China #CCP #CCPChina #AI
#FBI #FDA #AIDS #Fauci…
#Zelensky #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #SVB #FederalReserve #CDC #Treason #Vaccine #PfizerExposed #Iverme
#zelensky #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #svb #federalreserve #cdc #treason #vaccine #pfizerexposed #Ivermectin #truth #ukraine #russian #covid #electionresults #scam #china #ccp #CCPChina #ai #fbi #FDA #aids #fauci #iverme
The FDA, Ivermectin, and communism
#corruptUSleftists #Ivermectin #vaccines
#vaccines #Ivermectin #corruptUSleftists
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, Ottawa, November 7th, 2022 -speech and interview
Dr. Stillwagon gave a very interesting and valuable speech at a Church in Carp, just outside of Ottawa on Monday night.
Please click through to RAIR Foundation for the written story. Videos are below as well as at RAIR.
Here is the interview we did right
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures
Canada knew about Ivermectin and trashed it anyway
Ivermectin emails inside Public Health Agency of Canada
August 2022 update — you can now find the second release package here
For treating covid, the Canadian government says ivermectin is unsafe, ineffective, and not to use
#Canada #Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #LeftistactionsinCanada #Massiveconspiracy #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #Massiveconspiracy #LeftistactionsinCanada #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures #Canada
Australian Conference: Reclaiming Medicine 2022 registration
Book now for the groundbreaking Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) "Reclaiming Medicine" Conference 2022. Attend virtually or In-person.
AMPS believes the current range of issues brought about by the pandemic require
#Australia #Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #Policebrutality #vaccines #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #vaccines #Policebrutality #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures #Australia
Premiere episode of Israeli version of the Corona Investigative Committee set to go live in 6 hours
This is set to go live at about 5:00 AM Eastern time, or 6 hours from now.
#Covidmeasures #Dr.ReinerFüllmich #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Dr #Covidmeasures
Dr.Pierre Kory debates Alex Berenson on the use of Ivermectin for Covid 19
Dr. Pierre Kory engaged in a very civilized and friendly debate with former NYT journalist, Alex Berenson. Berenson has been one of the most effective critics of the various gene therapy vaccines and was kicked off of Twitter for posting Israeli and UK government ge
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #vaccines
#vaccines #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures
Italian doctor on TV: NO deaths if early treatment!
Italian TV is very dynamic. We used different colours for different speakers here, and it was challenging at times, but we got it right. Please enjoy!
And the story details, who this doctor is and more can be found at:
#Chloroquine #Covidmeasures #Italy #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Italy #Covidmeasures #Chloroquine
“Bill Gates tries to rebrand himself as reasonable”
Short, excellent and important. Kudos to The Fat Emperor. If Twitter hadn't put me in Tweet jail for a week for saying true things about HCQ and Ivermectin, like they did to this doctor, and this fellow, I would put a nice comment under his tweet.
#BillGates #Chloroquine #Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures #Chloroquine #BillGates
Surprising no one, another #covid paper on #ivermectin is retracted. It joins 9 others that have expressions of concern or have been retracted. In all, RetractionWatch estimates 224 #covid19 papers have been withdrawn.
Corona Auschluss: Session 99, Stage victories
This is LIVE as of now. The direct link is here.
We haven't been as on top of this as we used to be, because they started an English stream. So the hours of going through it and
#Covidmeasures #Dr.ReinerFüllmich #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #Policebrutality
#Policebrutality #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Dr #Covidmeasures
More material on Covid and the vaxx which must not be forgotten till all damage from it can be mitigated, and the guilty are punished
1. Alex Berenson: URGENT: Covid infections in Britain are rising again, and 90 percent of the dead are vaccinated. Have mRNA jabs
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures
Governor DeSantis hosts roundtable with physicians nationwide (on ending COVID theatre once and for all)
Please FF to TEN MINUTES from start
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures
On the suppression of Ivermectin in the UK: 80% of deaths could have been prevented
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures