Das erste Gericht hat #MujahedKorkuri zum Tode verurteilt.
Am 7. April gab der Islamische Median bekannt, dass #MujahedKorkori vom Gericht in #Izeh wegen des Mordes an #KianPirfalak zum Tode verurteilt wurde.
Mujahid Korkuri wurde für die Ermordung von #Kian_Pirfalek zum Tode verurteilt, während #Zainab_Moulaeirad, die Mutter von #KianPirfalak, klar erklärte, dass ihr Sohn auf dem Heimweg von Repressonskräften beschossen wurde.
The first court has sentenced #MujahedKorkuri to death.
On 7 April, the Islamic Median announced that #MujahedKorkori was sentenced to death by the court in #Izeh for the murder of #KianPirfalak.
Mujahid Korkuri was sentenced to death for the murder of #Kian_Pirfalek, while
#Zainab_Moulaeirad, the mother of #KianPirfalak, clearly stated that her son was shot at by repressive forces on his way home.
#mujahedkorkuri #mujahedkorkori #Izeh #kianpirfalak #kian_pirfalek #zainab_moulaeirad
March 6, the students of more than 67 schools in #Marvdasht, #Eqlid, #Shahr_e_Kord, #Sisakht, #Dehloran,
#Kohgiluye_and_Boyer_Ahmad, #Larestan, #Salamas, #Gachsaran, #Ilam, #Masal, #Mianeh, #Semnan, #Andimeshk, #Babol, ##Mashhad, #Divandarreh, #Darrud, #Kashan, #Mehrān, #Divandarreh, #Marivan, #Maku, #Sanandaj, #Izeh, #Zanjan, #Naghadeh, #Kerman, #Takab, #Gorgan, #Ghuchan, #Shanderman District, #Naghadeh, #Cowdash,
#Harsin, #Islamabad_e_Gharb, #Zahedan, #Estahban, #Marand, #Shush, #Nishapur, #Azarshahr, #Khondab, #Dezful, #Pol_e_Dochtar, #Dehloran, #Mahabad, #Nishapur, poisoned by inhaling gas, the criminal phenomenon is spreading across the country.
#marvdasht #eqlid #shahr_e_kord #sisakht #dehloran #kohgiluye_and_boyer_ahmad #larestan #salamas #Gachsaran #Ilam #masal #mianeh #semnan #Andimeshk #Babol #Mashhad #divandarreh #darrud #kashan #Mehran #Marivan #maku #Sanandaj #Izeh #zanjan #Naghadeh #kerman #takab #gorgan #ghuchan #shanderman #cowdash #harsin #islamabad_e_gharb #Zahedan #estahban #marand #shush #nishapur #Azarshahr #khondab #Dezful #pol_e_dochtar #mahabad #mahsa_aminin
A tribute ceremony for #Hamed_Salahshour was held this morning in #Izeh. Participants chanted: "This year is the year of blood/ Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown."
Hamed, 22, lived in Izeh. The Pasdaran arrested him on 25 November and killed him under torture 5 days later.
Many calls are being made all over #Iran for January 8. Pasdaran shot down #PS752 flight with two missiles on 8 Jan 2020 and killed all 176 passengers.
#hamed_salahshour #Izeh #iran #PS752 #mahsa_amini
Une cérémonie d'hommage à #Hamed_Salahshour a eu lieu ce matin à #Izeh. Les participants ont scandé:" Cette année est l'année du sang/ Seyed Ali (Khamenei) est renversé."
Hamed, 22 ans, habitait à Izeh. Les Pasdaran l'ont arrêté le 25 novembre et tué sous la torture 5 jours plus tard.
De nombreux appels sont lancés partout en #Iran pour le 8 janvier. Les Pasdaran ont abattu par deux missiles le 8 janvier 2020 le vol #PS752 et ont tué les 176 passagers.
#femme_vie_liberte #mahsa_amini #PS752 #iran #Izeh #hamed_salahshour
Une cérémonie d'hommage à #Hamed_Salahshour a eu lieu ce matin à #Izeh. Les participants ont scandé:" Cette année est l'année du sang/ Seyed Ali (Khamenei) est renversé."
Hamed était un jeune de 22 ans, habitant d'Izeh. Les Pasdaran l'ont arrêté le 25 novembre et tué sous la torture après 5 jours.
RT @MarianoGiustino@twitter.com
A #Izeh, prov. Khuzestan, #Iran, la cerimonia di fine lutto del 40° giorno dalla morte di #HamedSelahshur di 22 anni, manifestante arrestato, torturato in prigione fino alla morte
Imagine. They kill a protester and they never give back his dead body to his family. This is what the Islamist regime in Iran did to #MahmoudAhmadi’s family from #Izeh.
Today, his family had to bury his clothes at his funeral.
https://t.co/0cx50iWMSW https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1608896988007006209 • Source: https://nitter.weiler.rocks/AlinejadMasih/status/1608896988007006209#m
#iranrevoiution #Izeh #mahmoudahmadi
Imagine. They kill a protester and they never give back his dead body to his family. This is what the Islamist regime in Iran did to #MahmoudAhmadi’s family from #Izeh.
Today, his family had to bury his clothes at his funeral.
https://t.co/0cx50iWMSW https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1608896988007006209 • Source: https://nitter.net/AlinejadMasih/status/1608896988007006209#m
#iranrevoiution #Izeh #mahmoudahmadi
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
Imagine. They kill a protester and they never give back his dead body to his family. This is what the Islamist regime in Iran did to #MahmoudAhmadi’s family from #Izeh.
Today, his family had to bury his clothes at his funeral.
https://t.co/0cx50iWMSW https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1608896988007006209
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1608896988007006209
#mahmoudahmadi #Izeh #IranRevoIution
Imagine. They kill a protester and they never give back his dead body to his family. This is what the Islamist regime in Iran did to #MohammadAhmadi’s family from #Izeh.
Today, his family had to bury his clothes at his funeral.
#IranRevoIution • Source: https://nitter.lunar.icu/AlinejadMasih/status/1608896885879877632#m
#iranrevoiution #Izeh #mohammadahmadi
The ceremony to honour #Hamidreza_Rouhi in #Tehran on the 40th day of his shooting death turned into an anti-regime demonstration. Clashes took place between participants and repressive forces.
Another ceremony was held in #Dehgolan for #Mohsen_Niazi and yet another in #Izeh for #Reza_Shariati.
People everywhere affirmed their determination to overthrow the mullahs' regime in #Iran.
#hamidreza_rouhi #tehran #dehgolan #mohsen_niazi #Izeh #reza_shariati #iran #mahsa_amini #مهسا_امینی #ژینا_امینی
La cérémonie d'hommage à #Hamidreza_Rouhi à #Téhéran, à l'occasion du quarantième jour de son décès par balles s'est transformée en une manifestation contre le régime. Des heurts ont eu lieu entre les participants et les forces de répression.
Une autre cérémonie a eu lieu à #Dehgolan pour #Mohsen_Niazi et encore un autre à #Izeh pour #Reza_Shariati.
Les gens ont partout affirmé leur détermination pour renverser le regime des mollahs en #Iran.
#mahsa_amini #iran #reza_shariati #Izeh #mohsen_niazi #dehgolan #teheran #hamidreza_rouhi
RT @morgenbummler@twitter.com
Trauer der Mutter von #Artin_Rahmani, einem 17-Jährigen, der von kriminellen Sicherheitskräften während einer öffentlichen Demonstration für Freiheit am 16. November getötet wurde. https://twitter.com/arashcaviani/status/1607744538889666560
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/morgenbummler/status/1607761395063619590
RT @HRANA_English@twitter.com
Today, December 26, in #Izeh, hundreds of people gathered and protested on the 40th day of #Kian_Pirfalak's death. Nine-year-old Pirfalak was killed in a shooting by the security forces at protests.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HRANA_English/status/1607383486389698564
#iranprotests #iran #kian_pirfalak #Izeh
RT @Bijan63@twitter.com
“Van #Izeh tot Koerdistan, ik offer mijn leven op voor #Iran”
De rouwenden verzamelden zich op de 40e dag na de moord op #Kian_Pirfalak bij zijn graf en scandeerden slogans tegen de Islamitische Republiek #Iran.
#iranrevulotion #kian_pirfalak #iran #Izeh
2 days the city of #Izeh in Khuzestan Iran has been under military attack by the IRGC forces
More than 350 civilians were arrested & the number of killed and injured is increasing
The regime has cut off the internet & civilians are in danger
#CrimesAgainstHumanity #IranRevolution
#IranRevolution #crimesagainsthumanity #Izeh
Over the past 2 days, the city of #Izeh in Khuzestan Iran has been under military attack by the IRGC forces
More than 350 civilians were arrested & the number of killed and injured is increasing
The regime has cut off the internet & civilians are in danger.
RT @Khani2Mina@twitter.com
In #Izeh ,berichtet die Menschenrechtsaktivistin Atena Daemi, aus dem Iran hat der Staat im Iran mit schweren Waffen das Haus der Freiheitskämpfers angegriffen & 2 Menschen (Hossein Saeedi & Mahmoud Ahmadi) ermordet. Andere Freiheitskämpfers sind verschwunden.
Zina #MahsaAmini https://twitter.com/atenadaemi/status/1605876352720064515
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Khani2Mina/status/1606016235245666305
RT @seronshi
IRGC forces have been stationed in #Izeh ,Khuzestan province, Iran and this city has become a war zone.
Many CCTVs have been installed by IR Regime's forces throughout the city of Izeh and many citizens have been killed or kidnapped.
RT @seronshi
@DuezenTekkal ●URGENT●
The situation of #Izeh city in Khuzestan province of Iran is critical
IRGC forces have surrounded the city and they've attacked people's houses, stolen people's property and kidnapped innocent citizens. Every night the sound of shooting is heard in the city