Despite lawsuit, Casino Group still sells beef from Amazonian Indigenous territory
A new investigation shows that farms located in the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indigenous Territory in the Brazilian Amazon supplied two JBS meatpacking plants that sell beef to brands of the French supermarket giant. Cattle laundering by Casino Group hides potential illegal origin of the meat.
#amazon #cattle #JBS #CattleLaundering
#amazon #cattle #JBS #cattlelaundering
We Exposed How Chicken Producers Are Colluding To Raise Prices
Perdue, Tyson, Sanderson Farms, and JBS are colluding to raise chicken prices — up 61% over the last 15 years. But Washington state is leading a charge to fight back against Big Chicken's monopoly. And they're winning.
#conspiracy #chicken #perdue #tyson #sandersonfarms #jbs #monopoly #fight #classwar #impoverish #pauperize #publicinterest
#conspiracy #chicken #perdue #tyson #sandersonfarms #JBS #monopoly #fight #classwar #impoverish #pauperize #publicinterest
🎧 Deep dive tonight into #JamesBrown's epic studio jams—"rap" sessions with the band, in perfect syncopation, tape rolling. Brown *laughs on the one!
Funky as you please.
Brown, #FredWesley and the #JBs made "More Peas" in 1973 (13:45).
#70s #funk #eddiefm #JBS #fredwesley #jamesbrown
Wesley Batista Filho assumirá como presidente da JBS USA
Confira! 👇
#wesleybatistafilho #jbsusa #JBS #forbesmoney #carreira
JBS pagará US$ 25 milhões em acordo de fixação dos preços de carne nos EUA
#Jbs #EstadosUnidos #CarneBovina #Agronegócio #ForbesMoney #ForbesAgro
#JBS #estadosunidos #carnebovina #agronegocio #forbesmoney #forbesagro
JBS será "seletiva" sobre recompras de ações e aquisições
Confira! 👇
#Jbs #Frigoríficos #Ações #Negócios #ForbesMoney #ForbesAgro
#JBS #frigorificos #acoes #negocios #forbesmoney #forbesagro
JBS será "seletiva" sobre recompras de ações e aquisições
Confira! 👇
#Jbs #Frigoríficos #Ações #Negócios #ForbesMoney #ForbesAgro
#JBS #frigorificos #acoes #negocios #forbesmoney #forbesagro
JBS tem queda de 24,5% no lucro de 2022
Confira! 👇
#Jbs #BalançosCorporativos #Balanços #Negócios #ForbesMoney #ForbesAgro
#JBS #balancoscorporativos #balancos #negocios #forbesmoney #forbesagro
Seara aposta em tecnologia 4.0 para segmento de processados no Brasil
#Tecnologia #SearaAlimentos #Jbs/seara #EmpanadosDeFrango #ForbesTech #ForbesAgro
#tecnologia #searaalimentos #JBS #empanadosdefrango #forbestech #forbesagro
#PackersSanitationServices — operating in 8 mostly midwestern & southern states — “allegedly employed minors as young as 13 to use caustic chemicals” & “dangerous equipment at meatpacking facilities,” which are “operated by…powerful meat & poultry producers, incl #JBS Foods, #Tyson & #Cargill.” However, these companies weren’t “charged or fined.”
#childlabor #childlabour
#childlabour #childlabor #cargill #tyson #JBS #packerssanitationservices
CONTENT WARNING: Talk of suicidal ideation
"I Almost Ended My Life Because Of The Corrupt & Rigged Beef Industry" | The Class Room
#news #politics #uspolitics #beauofthefifthcolumn #moreperfectunion #beefindustry #farmers #food #tyson #nationalbeef #cargill #jbs
#news #politics #uspolitics #beauofthefifthcolumn #moreperfectunion #beefindustry #farmers #food #Tyson #nationalbeef #cargill #JBS
"JBS’s sustainability-linked bonds rapped for ‘greenwashing’, face investigation in US"
#JBS #Environment #Sustainability #Greenwashing #US #USA #America
#america #USA #US #greenwashing #sustainability #Environment #JBS
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #AfternoonShow
🎵 Pass the Peas
#nowplaying #AfternoonShow #JBS
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #AfternoonShow
🎵 Pass the Peas
#nowplaying #AfternoonShow #JBS
Deutsche #Finanzinstitute investierten die vergangenen zehn Jahre kräftig in Unternehmen, die mit #WaldRodungen in Brasilien in Verbindung stehen. Spitzenreiter ist laut einer Auswertung die #DeutscheBank. 😮
Unfassbar! 😠 Fast 550 Mio. US-$ investierten deutsche #Banken zwischen 2013 und 2022 in solche Unternehmen #JBS #ADM #Cargill #Bunge
Zerstörung vom #Regenwald in #Brasilien für #Fleischindustrie #Soja-Importe
Freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung der Branche ist Fake.
#soja #fleischindustrie #brasilien #Regenwald #bunge #cargill #adm #JBS #banken #deutschebank #Waldrodungen #finanzinstitute
#Children #illegally hired for #GraveyardShifts cleaning #JBS #meat plants, feds say - #CBSNews
"#PSSI is also accused of trying to intimidate #minor #workers to stop them from cooperating with #investigators, and of deleting and #manipulated employment files, #DOL said."
#DOL #manipulated #investigators #workers #minor #PSSI #CBSNews #meat #JBS #GraveyardShifts #illegally #children
Nobody wants to eat #fakemeat
#JBS #Planterra #Ozo #fakemeat
Nobody wants to eat #fakemeat
#JBS #Planterra #Ozo #fakemeat