ボレル #EU 上級代表は16日、#イラン のアブドラヒアン外相と電話会談🇮🇷同国に拘留されているEU市民の開放、基本的権利の尊重および #核合意 を巡る対話の重要性などを訴えたほか、同国のロシアとの軍事協力に対し深い懸念を表明した
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Josep Borrell Fontelles: Spoke with @Amirabdolahian, including on the importance of releasing EU detainees and ensuring respect for fundamental rights.Dialogue on #JCPOA,de-escalation on nuclear program & cooperation with @iaeaorg remain crucial. Voiced deep concern over military cooperation with Russia.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1691986061172392175
#EU #イラン #核合意 #euinjapan #JCPOA
RT Josep Borrell Fontelles
Spoke with @Amirabdolahian, including on the importance of releasing EU detainees and ensuring respect for fundamental rights.Dialogue on #JCPOA,de-escalation on nuclear program & cooperation with @iaeaorg remain crucial. Voiced deep concern over military cooperation with Russia.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JosepBorrellF/status/1691517233963450368
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: 1/2 #JCPOA: #EU strongly urges #Iran to reverse its alarming nuclear trajectory. We call on Iran to return immediately to its non-proliferation commitments...
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1666011172162732033
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: 2/2 A return to full & continued implementation of #JCPOA is crucial for comprehensive monitoring by @iaeaorg & complete oversight of #Iran's nuclear programme.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1666011160687124481
Der JCPOA war nicht perfekt, aber er hat dem Nahen Osten auf jeden Fall ein Mehr an Sicherheit gegeben, trotz der Lücken und Verstöße.
RT @AliVaez@twitter.com
The last nuclear deal cut Iran's enriched uranium stockpiles by 98%, capped enrichment below 4% and 300kg, and put breakout time at a year.
Some who thought that was "weak" improved on it by removing those limits altogether. https://twitter.com/repmarkgreen/status/1663608737838276609
RT @IranNuances: #Iran FM (on #JCPOA talks): The indirect exchange of messages has been going on for weeks, and through the foreign ministers of some countries, efforts are being made to conclude the primary draft... Good progress has been made and we hope to achieve good outcomes. https://t.co/kgYNIvksdB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/patricialalond2/status/1661678443837235203
💔 They have been executed. All three of them.
Despite protests in front of the prison and all over the world.
Wake up world:
Put #IRGC on terror list
Stop negotiations on #JCPOA
There can not be „normalisation“ with a regime that kills its own youth.
RT @HNeumannMEP: #SaeedYaghoubi
are 3 protestors at imminent threat of execution in #Iran
This is how the regime retaliates - but we have also seen that international awareness he…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1659448894755950595
#IRGC #JCPOA #SaeedYaghoubi #SalehMirHashemi #majidkazemi #iran
Several @europarl_en resolutions criticise human rights violations in #Iran, most recently in Jan 2023
EP called to add Islamic Revolutionary Guard to EU terrorist list, while expressing continued support for #JCPOA
@ErnstCornelia @bgroothuis @MaxSalini
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1651472997725908992
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: Very inspiring discussions on #JCPOA & #nuclear and #Diplomacy as well as my experiences of more than 20 years at the interface of #science & politics with students & professors at @collegeofeurope in Bruges. Happy to meet with my former HRVP & #Iran Negotiator @FedericaMog
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1640676702715011073
#JCPOA #nuclear #diplomacy #science #iran
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: EU remains committed to #JCPOA and regrets that Iran has not made the necessary decisions to comply with its JCPOA commitments.
EU continues to be concerned with #Iran's increasing escalation of its nuclear programme and urges Iran to cooperate fully & without delay with @iaeaorg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1633175176106983427
RT @arvinkhoshnood: @HNeumannMEP, in what way is the gender & skin color of @weimers of any relevance for his support of the national #IranRevoIution? And why did you vote against freezing the #JCPOA negotiations? JCPOA benefits the Islamic regime. How come you want to revive it? #hypocrisy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/weimers/status/1632860685158739968
#IranRevoIution #JCPOA #Hypocrisy
RT @Antiwarcom
US Official Falsely Claims Iran Is 12 Days From Nuke Material Production
Undersecretary: JCPOA Is on Ice
by Jason Ditz
@jasonditz #Iran #JCPOA
Even though the EU and #Iran have worked together to save the #JCPOA nuclear agreement, relations between the two sides have reached a new low
@EP_ForeignAff @davidmcallister @WaszczykowskiW @Urmaspaet @SergeiStanishev @ZovkoEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1629436292491788288
Even though the EU and #Iran have worked together to save the #JCPOA nuclear agreement, relations between the two sides have reached a new low
@EP_ForeignAff @davidmcallister @WaszczykowskiW @Urmaspaet @SergeiStanishev @ZovkoEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1628433685673562119
Even though the EU and #Iran have worked together to save the #JCPOA nuclear agreement, relations between the two sides have reached a new low
@ErnstCornelia @bgroothuis @MaxSalini
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1626205252620779520
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1623420287105605636#m
What's happening to Iranians is a crime against humanity, & so is the world’s cooperation with the regime whether via #JCPOA negotiations or attending the anniversary of a regime that commits crimes against humanity.
#JCPOA #BoycottIRIDay #IranRevoIution #IRGCterrorists
Biden promised to get #JCPOA with #Iran back on track but negotiations have stalled - Seems #US have caved to pressure from #Israel -The hawks in EU Parliament want to abandon it but @JosepBorrellF is right to try keep dialogue open with Iran + continue trying to make it happen..
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/wallacemick/status/1620725994620604419
Why are the European leaders refusing to proscribe the #IRGCterrorists?
They fear the reaction of Tehran so they put the failing #JCPOA before the fate of the Iranian people.
Prove me wrong @JosepBorrellF @TobiasBillstrom
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/weimers/status/1619014998377861128
More MEPs have been sanctioned by the Iranian regime. This must have consequences. @EPPGroup calls for EU action❗️
➡️ HRVP @JosepBorrellF should condemn the sanctions,
➡️ Stop the #JCPOA negotiations,
➡️ Adhere to the @europarl_en‘s call: recognise the IRGC as a terrorist entity!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DavidLega/status/1618299049492508677
▶️ no negotiations on #JCPOA as long as violence against protestors and political prisoners continues
▶️ support to Human Rights Defenders in #Iran and Diaspora
▶️ built-up of independent internet and communication
Baraye Azadi 💚🤍❤️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1617197282209976320