Indonesia: more than 21 GW of coal plants could be retired early without impacting system costs or grid reliability
TransitionZero Future Energy Outlook (FEO) systems model analysis on Indonesia is out now
CUT CARBON, SAVE MONEY: Compared to business-as-usual, the cost of cutting carbon is negative – Indonesia could save $2 for every tonne of avoided CO2
TransitionZero’s Future Energy Outlook (FEO) systems model analysis on Indonesia is out now
#Systemchange not #climatechange: What is wrong with the Just #Energy Transition Partnership (#JETP)?
Global Energy Justice Workshop Collective, in cooperation with Global Partnership Network at the University of Kassel in Germany, is officially launching a pamphlet on the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) between the #G7 and South Africa. It criticises the agreement as an 'unjust, non-transition debt scheme that mostly benefits investors from the global North'.
#systemchange #climatechange #energy #JETP #g7
Kuuntelen taas #jetp'iä, ja korvaan särähti aika pahasti, kun Helmiina Suhonen toteaa, että aiemmissa vaaleissa someseuraajien määrä ei ole realisoitunut ääniksi.
Voidaan toki taittaa peistä somen määritelmästä, mutta eikö esim. Jussi Halla-aho noussut nimenomaan someseuraajien ansiosta - some vain ei ollut Tiktok tai Twitter. Jyrki Kasvi nousi jo 2000-luvun alussa eduskuntaan internet-kampanjoinnilla. Viime vaaleissa Ari Koponen oli sometähti.
#journalismi #politiikka #JETP
Kuuntelin viime viikon #jetp'in, ja taas tuli sellainen fiilis, että Olli Seuri esittää liian kriittisiä kommentteja mahtuakseen nykyiseen Yleisradioon.
☀️ #Solar power is vital to Indonesia's energy targets and the #JETP deal. But the industry is still nascent.
Here's @jakpost on why easing the local contents rule until the domestic manufacturing is more developed could speed up progress:
Supporting the South African utility #ESKOM with US$ billions to boost the #JustEnergyTransition #JETP seems somewhat adventurous, given recent reports on corruption, copper theft and cyanide in the CEO:s coffee.
Tax incentives for households to install #RooftopPV and thereby reduce their exposure to extensive #LoadShedding could be less risky and better value for money.
#eskom #justenergytransition #JETP #rooftopPV #loadshedding
Supporting the South African utility #ESKOM with US$ billions to boost the #JustEnergyTransition #JETP seems somewhat adventurous, given recent reports on corruption, copper theft and cyanide in the CEO:s coffee.
Tax incentives for households to install #RooftopPV and thereby reduce their exposure to extensive #LoadShedding could be less risky and better value for money.
#eskom #justenergytransition #JETP #rooftopPV #loadshedding
As its traditional export markets are due to decline, Australia is eyeing Southeast Asia for coal exports.
But the region is also engaged in a long-term shift away from coal, as Vietnam's #JETP deal highlights.
The Vietnam government is calling on HSBC to get involved with green transformation projects in the country, including those covered by the new #JETP deal.
For coal-dependent Indonesia, the #JETP deal is a crucial piece of the #energytransition puzzle, but implementation challenges loom.
As the largest economy in the region and the ASEAN Chair for 2023, Indonesia has an important leadership role in ASEAN's #energytransition.
All eyes on the implementation of the #JETP deal.
>‘Vampiric overconsumption’ and ‘monster profits’: UN chief on the top climate concerns of 2023
via SQUID App
#overconsumption #climatecrisis #un #fossilfuels #shell #decarbonisation #JETP #ClimateSolidarityPact #CarbonCredits #climatefinance #EarlyWarningSystems #COP28 #biodiversity #cop15 #climateaction
Despite the flagship #JETP deal, Indonesia has a long road ahead to phase down coal, and is even still building new coal plants.
@NPR piece includes comments from Fabby Tumiwa from @IESR on the challenge of renewables competing with subsidised coal.
The devil is in the detail when it comes to Indonesia's $20 billion coal retirement plan.
A comprehensive systems model analysis is needed to avoid unintended consequences.
#JETP #CoalRetirement
Read the analysis:
Our own analysis finds Indonesia's $20 billion #JETP deal could finance the early closure of around half the nation's coal plants:
How effective the package is depends on the details of implementation. Hopefully, it can catalyse further investment.
Indonesia will need more than $20 billion to limit power emissions in line with 1.5C, says @emberclimate.
This aligns with our analysis too, which finds the #JETP package could fund the early closure of half Indonesia's coal plants.
#Vietnam & die International Partners Group haben eine Partnerschaft für eine gerechte Energiewende #JETP auf den Weg gebracht. 🇻🇳 wird beim Übergang zu erneuerbarer Energie unterstützt, um das selbstgesetzte Ziel von Klimaneutralität 2050 zu erreichen.
An optics publicity stunt? After recently entering into the $20 billion #JETP agreement @ the recent #G20 summit, #Indonesian President, #Jokowi doubled down on construction of additional #coal pwrd facilities for both #energy and non-energy industries. With coal-energy source contribution reaching 39.5% (40.5% in terms of TWh) in 2021, it's not unreasonable to expect an increase in excess #airpollution related deaths in the near future. #Indonesia...against #SDGs?
#JETP #g20 #indonesian #jokowi #coal #energy #airpollution #indonesia #sdgs
A real just energy transition is the only way to achieve a future that leaves no one behind.
#g20 #JETP #ClimateCrisis #Indonesia