Depending on the #culture of the population it can take on various #optics but at its core its the melding of govt and bigBusiness.
You could also say depending on the forms of bigBusiness the fascism will likely adopt that form also.
Railroads, mining interests and typhoid informed how the concentrationCamps were designed.
Today we have refugeeProduction, autonomous drones, computers producing data for bigTech and covid.
Have you seen #JFKTo911 yet?
Very much agree.
Without a solid base in history you are left running in circles and chasing the next fad, history allows one to see trends in a more broader context.
Michael Parenti's video is good in providing a recent history of power relations and oppession, but to really stimulate a broader understanding and a passion for history we can't recommend enough, #JFKto911 – #RichMansTrick?
Have you seen it?
Watch #JFKto911, please.
It is an important #historyLesson, and should be shown in #highSchools.
The person who apparently masterminded 911 has yet to be tried. Its likely he will die in prison without ever being convicted.
The towers #fellWithPerfectUniformity down to ground level.
There's more. Please watch #RichMansTrick, its not perfect but close. Consider watching #MichaelParenti, #WarOnYugoslavia also.
Happy Sunday to you.
#JFKto911 #historyLesson #highSchools #fellWithPerfectUniformity #richMansTrick #MichaelParenti #WarOnYugoslavia
"Any rich #businessman knows that he needs to fund both sides. So no matter who wins, he is well-thought of by both sides, and his #money is safe."
~ #FrancisRichardConolly in his acclaimed #documentary #JFKto911 #RichMansTrick (2014)
#businessman #money #FrancisRichardConolly #documentary #JFKto911 #richMansTrick
We like to #test ideas we think we know; our #knowledge.
Yesterday we sought to check knowledge we learnt from the documentary, "#JFKto911: #RichMansTrick". What we discovered was so shocking that we are honestly afraid to talk about it.
We have been taught to not question certain things and we feel that this is one of those things that, if we openly questioned it we might be the worst of all.
We will need to sit this info for a while and #analyse it in more detail.
#test #knowledge #JFKto911 #richMansTrick #analyse
For those being misdirected to spam videos here's the actual link.
#duckduckgo #misdirection #spam #jfkTo911 #rickMansTrick #WW1 #americanNazis #mafia #kkk #jfk #robberBarons #pinkTriangle #cherryMarines #cia #ww2 #bankers #centralBanks #normandy #hitler #hitlerProject #bolshevics #frankSinatra #bayOfPigs #history
#duckduckgo #misdirection #spam #JFKto911 #rickMansTrick #ww1 #americanNazis #mafia #kkk #jfk #robberBarons #pinkTriangle #cherryMarines #cia #ww2 #bankers #centralBanks #normandy #hitler #hitlerProject #bolshevics #frankSinatra #bayOfPigs #history
In today's age, if you don't want people to find #information on something, you'd #misdirect their #webSearch to #spam, right?
Recently we discovered even #DuckDuckGo were guilty of this, during a #search for the great #documentary, 'JFK to 911: Rich Man's Trick'
Try searching for it - you'll be served spam #videos and edited trash.
The real version is 3h27m w intermission at 1h25m here:
#information #misdirect #webSearch #spam #duckduckgo #search #documentary #videos #jfk #JFKto911