So back to my question - are there any topics off the table for you? Or any speakers?
The point of the ad hom in his case is that I have shown that her self presentation is fraudulent so when she is ‘just raising some concerns’ we must see that alongside also supporting say, Posie Parker who has unleashed untold violence on #Trans people.
#JKR is very guilty by active, deliberate and repeated association - and worse - active support.
@TiffyBelle but you have defended #JKR repeatedly. & you have entirely failed to recognise the evidence of her support for noted fascists. Even when clearly presented. You have said that this does not matter.
You have not once acknowledged that this discussion has very serious impacts - seen most clearly in the #Trans suicide rate.
I’m sorry but I, alas, have not enjoyed this but slow walking Trans rights is deadly so I feel obliged to get involved.
@TiffyBelle please stop this: I have not nor would I say things shouldn’t be discussed.
I am pointing out that #JKR is not who she says she is. I am pointing out that with her agenda Kids. Will. Die.
We need other voices - and we need to stop platforming her as she routinely supports #TransHate
Which links were wrong or spurious by the way? I really do want to know.
@TiffyBelle and just to make clear: #JKR says #Trans women are not women and Trans men are not men. She says - in the face of the science - that there are two genders which are biologically determined.
Allowing trans people to exist is not such a high bar is it? And she doesn’t mean it in any meaningful way when she denies their identity. Try the same arguments in your head with gay people being allowed to marry or adopt.
Good people say no so both sides anyone?
@TiffyBelle I wouldn’t call them hatred either.
You have 100% missed my point. #JKR is spectacularly successful in presenting a ‘just raising some concerns’ persona - you’ve bought it. They are terrible points which people actually invested in the topic smash out of the park with ease. But that’s not the point.
Alongside this concerned and persecuted citizen act she also supports fascists who say the quiet stuff out loud.
And kids die as a result.
“This is like seeing Black people creating their own spaces to be safe from racism as morally equal to white supremacists excluding Black people out of racism”
Exactly. This is the problem with both siding. It normalises hate, bigotry & the environment in which teens kill themselves because they cannot find space to live in a world where the booming, everywhere-you-turn-voice of #JKR & her ilk, say your identity is dangerous
I fundamentally disagree. The #fascists she supports show that she is not what she says she is. We need to know that.
There is a massive and very well funded #Trans hate campaign coming out of the US but now spreading globally. It is deadly and part of the wider spread of shockingly regressive politics of demonisation of minorities.
We must see who is involved and not be fooled - as in the case of #JKR where people like you say: look the other way.
3/ And lastly: when the public is invited to make up their own mind, they had better be given facts and evidence, not the disturbed anti-science of #JKR
Please do acknowlege: the spreading of her views is deadly.
2/ She rejects everyone who challenges her. She has lost many friends over this - people who cared enourmously for her and have told us about #JKR cutting them off completely when they tried to discuss with her.
Her views are also very anti-scientific. There are so many biologists out there pointing this out. Without her massive platform or reach.
She is massively unbalanced and doing huge harm. Extending a platform to her is a choice.
1/ Honestly - please read what I said: I am not suggesting that #JKR get's silenced! The attempt would be impossible! Everywhere I turn, there she is being interviewed entirely uncritically, and making statements like "'Trans rights are the greatest threat today to women and girls".
I'm pointing out that extending yet another uncritical platform to her has implications (those dead #Trans kids need to weigh a bit higher on people's consciences).
You are not engaging with what I am actually saying here so I am going to stop my side of this conversation here.
The picking out and misrepresenting my points is not really taking us forward - nor the refusal to address the very key point that #JKR is a well documented supporter of #fascists
@TiffyBelle BTW mostly I'm interested in providing safe space so #Trans people don't kill themselves in such huge numbers - or face the daily violence unleashed on them by the hard right & their enablers
Providing fawning platforms to those spreading #Trans hate is low on my agenda and I'll point diretly at those who do so and ask if they have thought hard enough about this
This is not an academic debate: many people are dying. & #JKR gives not the smallest about that.
I've not said people who oppose gay marriage are automatically fascist. Please stop doing that.
But to suggest that, say Posie Parker, isn't fascist, is just willfully blind. And quite a few others who #JKR publicly supports.
Why not watch the YT with an open mind?
@hollybrigstocke @TiffyBelle @trz4747
Yes - I agree. But I think it is incumbent to show this with evidence and explain it
When #JKR supporters refuse to acknowledge or note the evidence or - as has happened here - divert away from it, then there's not much more we can do
I became aware of who she really is a while back & was gobsmacked. She is not what she pretends to be, but being as well heelede as she is, her marketing is spectacular.
We see the results on this thread.
1/You perhaps missed the very important point of the video. Shaun - I think very strongly - makes the point that you do not get to say 'I'm just trying to protect the women and girls' when you outright side with and support #fascists
& this isn't fascists supporting #JKR (tho if I found that Putin and de Santis were on my team on this I'd be asking some hard questions).
No: she goes out of her way to support fascists. And block those who question her.
@trz4747 @TiffyBelle I take my definition of Fascism from the well noted book of that title by Madeleine Albright.
#Fascism is alive and well. Look around.
If you are seriously suggesting that the people who #JKRowling has publicly supported in this area are not #fascists, it's hard to know what to say. They are.
#PosieParker and #HeartsOfOak are not interested in 'just raising' some issues. And #JKR blocked friends who pointed this out to her.
She supports #Fascism
#JKR #heartsofoak #posieparker #fascists #jkrowling #fascism
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I don't know who this Rudy is..but I am very sad to see that graphic.
JKR retweeting is just an average day in 2023, I reckon
#trans #queer #transphobia #JKR #queerasinfuckyou
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So tired of #JKRowling being given a free pass to rewrite her history
She is not hated for her views: she is hated for misrepresenting those who disagree with her, for public support for actual fascists like Posey Parker and Hearts of Oak - see Shaun’s excellent expose on YT - and for contributing extensively to the extreme danger that #Trans people live with
Fuck you #JKR